
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Milky Way & G1 – Loving Life

This week we continued to learn about making healthy choices to have a great life. We learned how different foods could give us vitamins and too much of some types of foods can lead to sickness.


This week we also learned the life cycle of a beetle. It was so interesting to see that all living things need to eat and sleep just like us. Mr. Noah showed us his giant Hercules Beetle! it was amazing.

カブトムシのサイクルについても学びました👀生き物全て食べ物を食べて、睡眠をしっかりとる事が大切な事を知りました🌟 Mr. Noahがヘラクレスオオカブトを見せてくれました😎😎😎😎

We all love sugar! However, we learned about two types of sugar that we can get from food. Glucose and Fructose. We learned that although these sugars are important for energy, sometimes too much can lead to bad health.

みんな糖分は大好きです。そして、2つのタイプの糖分について学びました。 Glucoseブドウ糖と Fructose果糖です。 両方ともエネルギーを作るのに必要な栄養素ですが、摂取し過ぎは注意です!!!

We had a lot of fun outside and learned how our emotions can help lead to a happy life. Just the simple sight of bubbles makes us feel happy. Happiness can be a chemical in our body that helps us to feel healthy.

外遊びでも沢山学びがありました😁 感情は幸福を左右するという事です❣ シャボン玉遊びも私たちをとても幸せにさせてくれます😁😁 幸せこそが健康を保つための最高のお薬なのです😍🥰

We also learned how some practices can help us to feel calm when we feel anxiety or stress. We learned about aboriginal art which only uses dots to paint. It takes a very long time to paint a picture but it is a relaxing and meditative practice. It was so much fun.

不安やストレスを感じた時に自分を落ち着かせる方法の1つを学びました🖌 点で繋ぐアボリジニーの技法です。とても時間がかかる作業ですが、リラックスし瞑想の練習になりました💭

Next week we welcome Summer School! What new fun times await?!

来週からはサマースクールが始まります❣ どんな楽しいことが待っているかな❓

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