
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Milky way and G1 Fun and Festivities! July 4th-8th

What a fantastic week we had this week! We have finally completed our Unit 1 UOI! Everyone tried to make self-assessments and we recorded a nice little compilation which we will release next week for you all!

今週も素晴らしい週になりました✨ ようやくUnit1が終了しました。自己評価をする為に録画をし、来週リフレクションをする予定です。

This week we kick started our Unit 1 summative assessment project. We started raising money to help support Ukraine in their unfortunate conflict with Russia. As out first Unit was learning about Conflicts, the kids really wanted to do something to help. That’s when everyone decided to start a charity project to raise money. Thank you everyone who donated money or even cans to help with our cause. We will continue raising money and collecting cans over the next few weeks, So we really appreciate your donations!


G1 Class started a new project for which they will be working on over the next 2 months. We will post a special blog following that project shortly. Our project is all about art. This week we tried action painting. It was very fun and we learned a lot about a new painting technique.


Finally, we finished our week with the ISN Nagano Sports Festival! We had so much fun! Thank you so much for coming. We hope you enjoyed the show! We had preparing and practicing for weeks and we are so happy with the results. Everyone did amazing! We are so proud of everyone.

最後に、スポーツフェスティバルがありました。とても楽しく行うことができました😁 お忙しい中お越しいただきありがとうございました。私たちのショーは楽しんでいただけましたか?沢山練習をして、準備をしてきました。本日は、クラスのお友達が1つになり、自信を持ってパフォーマンスをしました❣ 最高でした💪😉✨

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano Milky way and G1 Fun and Festivities! July 4th-8th