
Nagano Preschool


Aurora Nagano: Class Rules and Our Responsibility.

Good day everyone! First of all, we would like to say thank you to all parents who attended the school open day, we certainly had fun together with our kids, didn’t you? This week we finally started our last LOI for our IB program 1 (UOI1). We talked about our school community and went details in the class and school rules. We first asked each kid what was worthy to mention at particular place of the school, for instance, at classroom. “What is good to do in our classroom?” and we wrote down all the things they mentioned on the whiteboard. Besides that, we also asked them the reason of their answers. For example, “Why is it bad to run in the hallway?”, they said “because you will bump into teachers and friends, and it is Ouchy!” By doing this, we have the reason why is good or bad to do certain things at school. We respect each others and observe the school rules, this helps us to be independent.
今週、私たちはLOI2「自分自身と私の周りの人たち」についての学びをスクールレイアウトマップを作成することで終え、LOI3「私のスクールコミュニティ」の探究を始めました。この探究の流れ3(LOI3)では、クラスルールについて考えていきます。最初のレッスンでは、先生から子どもたちにシンプルな質問をしていきました。LOI1で、自分の役割について学んだ子どもたちに先生から「みんなが普段生活するこのクラスで何をすることが良い事なんだろう?」すると子どもたちからはたくさんの考えが出てきました。先生はそれをホワイトボードへ書き留めていきました。この2か月、日々の生活の中で、私たちが必要だと感じたことはその都度子どもたちと話をし、どうするべきなかなど一緒に考えて来ました。 廊下での歩き方や椅子の運び方、ランチや着替えの際の準備/後片付けの方法など、どうしてそうする必要があるのか、しないとどうなるのか、した方が良いかなどです。この探究の流れ3では、子どもたちが主体となり、クラスの「Essential Agreement」を作成していきたいと思います。私たちはお互いを尊重し、クラスのルールを守ります。これは、私たちが自立するのに役立てていきます。

The alphabet we learned this week was “F”. We have learned some words associated with the letter and reinforced their knowledge with a game called “Look for the right picture game”. In this game, they team up in pairs, and listen to the teacher’s word for the letter, for example, “F,F,F, Frog!”, they have to find the picture of Frog on the floor. This game was able to help them in memorizing the words they learned.
今週のフォニックスは、「F」です。「F」の音をしっかり練習した後に、「F」から始まる単語を導入しました。「F」から始まる絵カードを使い二人ペアになりゲームをしました。「F」から始まる絵カードを床に並べ、「f/f/fish」や「f/f/fireworks」など 子どもたちは先生のいう 単語をしっかり聞き分け、正解の絵カードの場所へ行きます🤩Good job!Aurora🤩

Since the weather was fine this week, we grabbed the opportunity to go to the park! The kids was able to line up and listened to the teacher while walking to the park. Little reminders were needed for them but they always tried their best for it. Let’s play together, Aurora!

The gym lesson never cease to bring us all the moving exercises we need throughout the week. We did plenty of activities on a mat such as walking in 4 legs, jumping through spaces, 3 legs crossing, and hold on the monkey bar. The monkey was everyone’s favorite!

Lastly, the monthly song for this month is “Do-Re-Mi” by the classic movie of the Sound of the Music. This is such a nostalgic movie, and it brought back all the wonderful moments of the music. Do-Re-Mi is certainly the basic of the music and we knew that the beginning is the best place to start. Aurora loved the song and enjoyed singing along.


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