
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – Indoor camping (23-27 May)

Hello everyone! みなさん、こんにちは!

We have had another fun filled week together here in Rainbow. We continued to learn about animals, made a zoo, fished for some ABC-fish, , played a lot outside in the nice weather and had fun with some indoor camping!


ABC fishing

We sing the alphabet song every day, and focus on a few letters each month. This month we have been looking at the first four letters of the alphabet. To reinforce what we are learning, we did a fun alphabet fishing game. Each students got a chance to fish one of the letters, the match it to the same letter on the whiteboard.

毎日‘ABC song’を歌っています。これからはひと月に少しづつアルファベットを覚えていきます。今月はABCDです。復習を兼ねてアルファベットのついたお魚を釣って遊びました。ホワイトボードのアルファベットと同じletterのついているお魚を釣りました。


This week, we made a big nice “Rainbow Zoo” poster together! We had a big poster of our own special Rainbow Zoo! The students got different animals that they could stick to the zoo. Just like a real zoo, ours also had different areas for the different animals. It was a lot of fun, but also a great chance to talk about the different animals again!

今週は大きな模造紙に ‘Rainbow Zoo’を作りました! 動物のイラストの書いてある紙を両面テープで貼っていきました。本物の動物園のように、エリアごとに動物たちを貼って、動物の特徴などを話しながら製作を楽しみました。

Outside play

The weather is getting increasingly hotter outside now, so we are enjoying our days outside before it gets too hot outside!  We also had a chance to play with one of the older classes this week! Playing outside is great for developing our young learners gross motor skills. One of the activities we did this week to help develop this skill was using a few tires for a small obstacle course. The students tried their best to walk through the tires that was placed on the ground.


Indoor camping

Our bus trip this week had to be canceled during the rain, but that didn’t stop us from having fun! We had a special day planned indoors. First, the teachers did a magic show for the kids. One of their favorite magic tricks was turning normal water into a different color just by shaking a bottle! Each student got a bottle of water. When they shook it, the water changed color!


After the show, we went to on a short indoor camping trip! We set up a couple of big tents and let the kids play around. We had book, balloons, and some toys. We also played music, so the kids could sing along if they wanted to. It was nice seeing everyone enjoying themselves so much!


Finally, we ate our nice lunchboxes made by our lovely parents. The kids were so happy and proud to show off the food they brought to school. Thank you, parents, for making such wonderful lunchboxes!


Thank you so much for reading, and see you again next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow – Indoor camping (23-27 May)