
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – Our first trip to the park! (16-20 May)

Hello everyone! みなさん、こんにちは!

We have had another fun week together in our Rainbow class! We walked to the park together for the first time! We also continued to learn about farm animals, introduced zoo animals, and had a fun music lesson.

今週は公園に行ったり、farm animal に加えてzoo animalも学んだり、楽しいmusic lessonがあり、とても充実した1週間でした。

Park 🌲

We have been practicing walking safely while holding the rope for a while now. Last week we took a nice walk around the area, so we felt ready for the walk to the park. I’m very happy to say that everyone walked very nicely to and from the park. Good job Rainbow!


They were all very excited to play when we got to the park. Some of the students bravely used the swings, while others climbed around the playground, drew pictures in the sand using sticks, or just had fun running around exploring the wide-open park.



We have been learning about farm animals last week, so we spent a couple of days reviewing the animals we have learned. We have done different activities to make learning more fun. We have been singing, coloring, playing matching game with flashcards, animal puzzles, and listened to the different sounds the animal makes. I’m so happy to see that they can recognize many of the animals now! Please ask your kids if they can find the different animals in the picture below. You can ask them “Where is the sheep/dog/cow etc.”. It’s always nice when they can show what they have learned at home!

先週から学んでいるfarm animalについて今週も取り組みました。もっと楽しくなるように動物の歌を歌ったり、塗り絵や、動物が2つに分かれているフラッシュカートで遊んだり、パズルや鳴き声あてクイズなどをしました!子供たちがいろいろな動物を認識できるようになり、とても嬉しいです。ぜひお家でも動物の名前を聞いてみて下さいね!

We also introduced some more animals this week. Zoo animals! We looked at some flashcards of the different animals and discussed the sounds they make. We also made gestures that looked like the animal. Finally, we sand and danced to the song I have linked below. It’s a fun song that gives the kids a chance to pretend to be the different animals in the song.


Music lesson 🎵

We had another fun music lesson. We repeated some of the activities from our previous lessons. We made some flowers using colorful scarves. We also did the funny raccoon walk around the room.


Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow – Our first trip to the park! (16-20 May)