
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – What are germs? (21-25 February)

Hello everyone!

It has been a fun week here in Aurora!

UOI lessons

Transdisciplinary theme: How we organize ourselves
Central idea: People have roles and responsibilities to organize the school community.
Line of inquiry: Importance of keeping our school neat and tidy

We started our last LOI, Importance of keeping our school neat and tidy. For this LOI we want to talk more in depth about why we should stay clean and why we should stay organized.

What are germs?

Our first lesson was all about germs! To understand why we have to stay clean, we need to understand what germs are. The lesson started by talking about what germs are, and what they do to our bodies. When the teacher asked the students what they think happens when germs get in to your body, they had many nice answers!

Now that we all agreed that germs are not something we want inside our bodies, we asked the students how we can stop the germs. The first answer we got was “Wash our hands with soap”. Some other answers were “brush our teeth” and “wearing mask”.

We took a look at how to properly wear our mask and wash our hands. We also discussed why it’s so important to wear the mask. The teacher also showed a picture of how the germs spread with and without wearing a mask.

Germs experiment

After learning about germs in our previous lesson, we decided to give the kids a more visual experience. To show how soap affect the germs when we wash our hands, we used water, pepper and dish soap! Everyone stood around the table as the teacher was pouring “germs” (pepper) in to the water. Next, the teacher put some soap on his finger. The second he put his finger in the middle of the germ water, all the germs were repelled by the soap!

Everyone was amazed, and could see how much the germs hate soap. All the kids also got a chance to try this experiment for themselves too! They each got a cup of water filled with nasty germs! When they put their soapy fingers in the water, they could experience the germs escaping the soap for themselves.

This was a good visual aid so that the kids can have a clearer idea of why we have to wash our hands carefully!

Outside play

As always, we had a lot of fun playing outside this week. The winter is still going strong, and we have had many more chances to play with the snow outside. Some of the students decided to build something using the red slide as the base. When we asked what they were making, they cheerfully replied that it was a “Castle train”. How interesting!

Swimming lesson

We had a special swimming lesson this week! For the first time since becoming Aurora students, parents had a chance to observe parts of the lesson. Thank you to all the parents that came to support your kids. How was it?? I think everyone did a great job with all the activities in the water!
今週は、スイミング参観がありました。短い時間でしたが、参観へお越しくださりありがとうございました。おうちの方が来てくれると朝から子どもたちは大張り切り🤩!!子どもたちの様子はいかがでしたでしょうか?果敢に水の中に潜る姿やビート板を使った活動、背浮きなどこの一年さまざまな水の中での活動を通して、たくさん上達しました🤩Good job!Aurora☆彡

Birthday party!

Happy birthday! We celebrated our February birthday boy this week. He answered all the teachers questions very nicely! He got a nice birthday card before we all sang the happy birthday song for him.

Thank you all for reading, and see you again next week!

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