
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Reading and writing is fun! (17-21 January)

Hello everyone!

It has been another great week here in Aurora. We have played outside, had a fun music and gym lesson, and had some great UOI lessons.
ここオーロラでは、また今週も素晴らしい一週間でした。私たちは外で遊んだり、楽しいミュージックレッスンやジムレッスンをしたり、 UOIレッスンにも取り組みました。

UOI lessons

Transdisciplinary theme: How we organize ourselves
Central idea: People have roles and responsibilities to organize the school community.
Line of inquiry: Classroom physical environment

Reviewing how to organize our lockers

This was going to be our lesson for our open day, but because of the increasing number of COVID cases in Nagano city we broadcast our lesson on zoom instead. Thank you to all the parents who joined us on zoom for a look at our lesson.

We reviewed how to organize by using a worksheet together. On the worksheet was a picture of an empty locker. The students cut out different objects and glued them to the paper. They had to think about what we had learned and find the correct position for all the objects.

Looking at how SS/MW organise their classroom

We are trying to limit the interaction between the classes because of the COVID alert level, so we decided not to visit the SS/MW classroom this week. However, we still wanted to see how they organise their classroom, so we made a virtual classroom tour that we could take a look at.

We took a look at the layout and how they had everything organized. We asked the students if similarities and differences between the classes. This was important to keep in mind for our next lesson.

Creating a new layout for our own classroom

With the previous lesson in mind, it was time to focus on our own classroom. First, we drew the current room layout on the whiteboard. We had a short discussion if they remembered where SS/MW had their play area/toys/worksheets etc. organized.

Then, we looked at where our play kitchen was placed. We discussed if we wanted to move it to a different position or keeping it the same. We moved it many places to see what it would look like. One of the places we moved it was next to the teacher’s desk. We asked the students if they thought it was a good place to put it. The students said that they didn’t like it there, so we asked them why. It was too far away from the play area. The teacher’s area is too narrow.

Our students are getting so good at expressing the reason they like or dislike something now! I’m so happy with everyone!

Finally, we put it right next to the play are instead of against the wall a little further away. One of the students didn’t like it at first. When we asked him why he said “It looks messy. Keep same looks organized”. Another boy had a counterpoint and replied with “It’s easy to play” if the moved it next to the play area. After a vote and some more talk, we decided to move it!

Now we actually had two play areas! We discussed what kind of toys we wanted to use in front of the kitchen, and what we should play with behind it.

After finishing creating our new layout, everyone promised that they can follow the new rules we had made together!


We are in the last few months before becoming Shooting star students, so we have been dedicating more time to writing. We have been practicing writing numbers and our names with and without the tracing lines. For the students who felt up for a challenge, we gave them a three lined paper.

We explain to the kids that the top line is the sky, the middle is clouds, and the bottom line is grass. Some of the letters start from the sky, while others start from the clouds.

Pencil grip is also very important to develop good handwriting. We have marked our pencils with different colored dots to guide the students on where to put their fingers.


We continued to read our CVC words this week in our phonics lesson. This week we learned some different words ending with -am. The four words we learned were Ham, jam, ram and yam. It’s fun to see how engaged many of the students are while doing these new CVC reading lessons!

I have made a small quiz for the students so they can practice the words at home too. Please click the link under to play the game! (I recommend playing it with the sound on.)


We have also started reading some easy beginner level book that includes pictures as well as words. This teaches them not only how to recognize different words, but is also good for building vocabulary!

Let’s play together!

We had a lot of fun playing together this week too!
We have enjoyed playing with the snow outside after our lessons. Our fun snow mountain from last week has now become a dangerous ice mountain! So, we all agreed that we would not climb the mountain while playing outside. When we asked them why we shouldn’t climb the mountain, they answered nicely in English: “Because it’s slip”, “Because it’s dangerous”, “You will fall”. It’s so nice to see that they can understand the reasons for the rules we have!

One of our days outside we also built a big snowman together, and one of the students wanted to make a snowman for each of his family members. How sweet!

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora – Reading and writing is fun! (17-21 January)