
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Christmas show 2021! (13-17 December)

Hello everyone!

This was our big week! I hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas show. The kids have been working so hard almost every day for such a long time now, and they were so happy to show you the result of their hard work!

Christmas show! (And the end of the current UOI)

The big show!

Thank you everyone for all the nice feedback we have gotten about the show. The kids all wanted to give you their best performance as a special Christmas present. I was also very impressed by how much fun everyone had throughout the whole show. Even in the dressing room, they were full laughter and smiles!


As mentioned earlier, we have been practicing lot for the Christmas show. We have also been filming some of our practice, so that we can look at it together. This has been tied together with our third unit of inquiry, “How we express ourselves”. We talked about the feelings the characters are feeling, and how we can show it on the stage. As we watched the video of our practice, we discussed what the characters were feeling.

I have also put together this short video of some of the practice we have been doing. We have come a long way since our first practice to what they were able to show you on stage. I’m so proud of everyone! Just standing on stage when you are really nervous is an accomplishment in itself, so that makes everyone’s great performance even more amazing!


We have had both sunny and rainy days this week, and we have enjoyed both. Playing outside when the weather is nice and inside when it’s rainy.
During our morning circle time, one of the students talked about how cold it was that morning. He noted that it had been below zero during the night, so we had a discussion about what happens to water when it gets too cold. When we went outside to play, everybody was so happy to find that the water had turned to ice! Just as we had discussed!

Crafts (Christmas card)

To say thank you to all the mommies and daddies who help us every day, we made some wonderful Christmas cards! First, we used an outline of our hands to make a Christmas tree. Then, we decorated the tree with a variety of different decorative items. We ended up with many unique and nice card designs! Great job every one!
今週は、みんなでクリスマスカード🎄作りです。まず、それぞれの手形を使ってクリスマスツリー🎄を作りました。そして、それをカードの台紙に貼り付けます。その後に、ツリーの木の部分をカードの裏から貼り付けて、星☆をツリーの一番上に貼り付けました。次は、みんな好きなようにそのツリーに飾りを付けていきます。ユニークで素敵なクリスマスカードが出来上がりました🤩 Great job🎄みんな🤩

Thank you so much for reading, and see you again next week!

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