
Nagano Preschool


Rainbow Nagano: Halloween & Birthday party!

Knock knock trick or treat! We had our Halloween party last week and everyone was so excited and had fun on that day. The kids were amazed by all the decorations at the school and each classes. Besides that, what’s more excited is that we all came in costume! We have pirates, monsters, princess, heroes, and all kind of spooky Halloween characters. We first introduced to the kids the agenda of the day and had our Halloween dance in the classroom. Next, we played all sort of Halloween games and the kids enjoyed them very much. The games included bowling, hit the ghost, fish the monsters and ring toss. Lastly, we did the craft and break the pinata as the ending of the party! Happy Halloween everyone, we are looking forward to the Halloween party again next year!


Besides that, we also had our birthday party this week for the October celebrant. We decorated the classroom and specially invited the birthday celebrant to introduce himself. We asked him about his favorite color, animal, food and fruits. He could answered everything with confident. Then we listened to a story about Maisy (kids’ favorite story character in Rainbow), and end the party with a dance. Happy Birthday!
お誕生日のお友達”Happy Birthday”🥳

The Rainbow kids always have the energy for playtime despite the weather is getting colder lately. No worries, we put on our jacket and hat! Everyone was able to put on their shoes nicely, listen to the instructions about do and don’t at the playground. Finally, we even clean up the toys we played. Nicely done Rainbow! We will see you again next week! Bye!
風の冷たい日が多くなってきましたがレインボーのお友達は、元気いっぱい園庭をかけまわり笑顔で外遊びを楽しんでいます。羽織の着脱や靴の脱いだり、履いたりも自分たちでできる様になり、お手伝いしてほしい時は”Help me please”と自然と言えるようになってきています。もちろん”Thank you”もしっかりと言えます!先生とのお約束を守り、遊んだ後のお片付けも忘れません!


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow Nagano: Halloween & Birthday party!