
Nagano Preschool


Rainbow Nagano: Welcoming October & 5 senses!

This week we will be covering the amazing moments of special lunch day, Halloween craft, New monthly theme & playing at the schoolground. To kick start the new month of October, we had a special lunch day! Each kid brought their lunchbox and their specially made foods from their parents. To all the parents, Thank you so much for the foods! All the Rainbow kids enjoyed it very much.

We have a new monthly theme this month too! This week we have learned about the 5 senses of our body. These are the target phrases: ” I can hear with my ears, I can touch with my hands, I can taste with my tongue, I can smell with my nose, and I can see with my eyes.” The five senses of hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell are the primary means we use to gain new knowledge. We showed various things and pictures in the lesson so that we learned to express through our senses.
今週から、五感( 味覚、臭覚、視覚、聴覚、触覚)について先生のお話、カード、物を使い楽しく学んでいます。今回は、五感について先生から説明があり、その後、今週は視覚、聴覚、臭覚を中心に学びました、動物の鳴き声を耳で聞き何の動物の鳴き声か当てたり、絵や本を目で見たり、ランチの時間には美味しそうな匂いを鼻をつかい嗅いでみたりしました。
ランチの美味しい匂いにつられ”lunch time?””おなかすいたー”とランチを目で見て目をキラキラ輝かせていました。ランチタイムでは口を使い味を確かめ、”美味しい””苦い?甘い”と味を表現できました。日常生活の中で自然と使ってる五感を一つ一つ確認しながら引き続き分かりやすく、楽しく学んでいきたいと思います。
I can hear with my ears, 耳で聞くことができます。
I can touch with my hands, 手で触れることができます。
I can taste with my tongue, 舌で味を感じることができます。
I can smell with my nose, 鼻で匂い/臭いを感じることができます。
I can see with my eyes. 目で見ることができます。

The weather is perfect for playing outside this month. It is because of the new season, the temperature has dropped to the most comfortable time to move our body at the schoolground. This week, our kids enjoyed playing the slides, sandbox and tag!

Speaking of October, it is indeed the month of spooky Halloween. This week, we made our very own Halloween card! Each kid was given a pumpkin printed in a paper to design and various kinds of Halloween designs to stick on a black paper. We gained knowledge of the Halloween through the craft.

Besides that, our theme songs for this month are “Knock, knock, trick or treat!” and “Go away!” by Super simple songs. Until next time, see you!


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