
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Let's pick some grapes (27 Sep – 1 oct)

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to Aurora’s weekly blog! We had a fun week, with a very special trip to see a puppet show. We also had fun gym and music lessons full of energy.

UOI lessons

Summative assessment

Last week we finished our last LOI while showing off how we can take care of a pet. This week, we had our summative assessment. The goal of the summative assessment is not to give the student scores, or to compare them to each other. It’s all about seeing how much they have learned and developed during the unit.

The assessment task itself was rather simple and open ended. The kids were presented with a big poster of a river. On the river were trash, broken trees and injured animals. They worked in groups of threes and four to clean up the river. They had two boxes that they could sort out the trash and animals. One box was a trash bin, and the other was a veterinarian. The teacher asked the kids how they should help the animals, and where they should put the trash.

After cleaning the river, they could put back the happy animals that were living there. There were several pictures of animals on the table next to the river that the kids could choose from. There was also a dinosaur and a unicorn there amongst all the normal animals. “Do you think this is a river animal” the teacher would ask them.
川をきれいにした後、子どもたちはそこに住んでいた幸せな動物を元に戻すことができました。川の隣のテーブルの上には、 子どもたちが選ぶことができるいくつかの動物の絵カードがありました。その中には、川に住む動物もいれば…恐竜やユニコーンもいました。先生は、「これは川の動物だと思いますか?」と、子どもたちに尋ねました。

Gym lesson

We had another fun gym lesson this week. We started the lesson by warming up and doing some stretching exercises. Then we used the mat to do a variety of exercises. Among the exercise was the forward roll practice. I think everyone has really improved since we started doing this. What do you think? Please watch the video below and see everyone’s hard work! 😊


It’s the season for everyone to enjoy grapes, so we decided to make our own grapes. Before starting with the crafts, the teacher introduced a fun dance and song. It was their first time hearing the song and seeing the dance, but they tried their best to follow the teachers’ instructions!

For the crafts, we put a lot of paper rings on a big blue sheet. Everyone got a string that they would use to attach the paper rings. They were able to freely walk around and pick up the rings to make their own grapes.

Monthly song

This month we have been singing the song “This friendly world”. I want to show you everyone’s nice performance, so we videotaped a couple of our last times we sang. In the first video I asked them to sing with a big voice. I do appreciate everyone’s enthusiastic singing, but it turned out a bit too loud!
今月は、「This Friendly World」を歌っています。子どもたちの素晴らしいパフォーマンスをご紹介したいので、最後に歌った数回をビデオに録りました。最初の映像では、大きな声で歌ってみよう☆彡と提案しました。すると…自信を持って元気に歌ってくれるのはいいのですが…

The next day, we watched the video of them singing together and discussed the difference between singing with a nice loud voice, and yelling. We decided to try and sing without yelling, so that we could show all you lovely mommies and daddies! Please enjoy Aurora’s version of “This friendly world”.
翌日、 みんなで見返してみると、「too loud」だということがわかりました。素敵に大きな声で歌うことと、叫ぶことの違いについて話し合いました。
素敵なみんなの様子を大好きなパパとママに見せてみようと、歌ってみることにしました!オーロラバージョンの「This Friendly World」をお楽しみください☆彡

Puppet show (The big turnip)

The kids were lucky enough to go see a professional puppet show of the story “The big turnip” this week. Before going, the teacher went over all the rules when we go visit somewhere. It’s important that we safely go together and show respect to the place and people we are visiting. Aurora did a great job, and were all on their best behaviour!

They really loved the show, and were paying attention closely to the show. When something funny happened, but burst out in laughter! It was so nice seeing everyone enjoying themselves so much. They were all talking about the show for the rest of the day!
子どもたちは、とても楽しんで人形劇を鑑賞しました☺面白いシーンでは、手をたたいて体で楽しい!面白い!を感じて大笑いしたり、ドキドキするシーンでは、心配する表情で身を乗りだして見ていたりと子どもたちは、とてもこの「大きなかぶ」の人形劇を楽しみました。スクールに帰ってきてからも、「大きくなるぞ!どんどこどん どんどこどん」と子どもたち同士で、劇中のセリフを真似したりして楽しんでいました🤩

Outside play

Fall is here! The weather is getting cooler, and playing outside in this nice fall weather is something we have been waiting for! Now that it’s not scorching hot outside, we try to get some playtime outside every day.

Thank you so much for reading, and see you again next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora – Let's pick some grapes (27 Sep – 1 oct)