
Nagano Preschool


Rainbow Nagano: Lovely week!

Hello everyone, welcome back to the Rainbow blog! We are so excited to show you what Rainbow kids have done this week. The weather was brilliant and we certainly do not want to miss the chance to go out. Playing outside at the playground can be fun. Before we start playing, the teacher asked them to change their shoes into outdoor shoes, put on their cap, and listened to the instructions. We played the ball, ran around chasing one another, slide down from the playground and build our sand castle at the sandpit.

帽子をかぶり、靴を履き替え、お約束の確認をし”Lets play together”の掛声と共に一斉に好きな遊びに走り出したお友だち!ボールや、滑り台、お砂場ではケーキを作ったり、お山、お城を作ったりしました。他にも先生たちと鬼ごっこをし園庭をたくさん走り回りました。外遊びはいつもとても楽しいですね。

Next, we had gym lesson this week as well! We listened to the instructions carefully and performed the stretches together. Each of them given their best to do the warm ups and our favorite is always the “human bridge”, which we use both of our hands and legs to form a bridge. After that, we ran around the mat and did various poses that instructor asked us to do. All of us loves running. We did some activities on the mat such as pulling the rope with the teacher, open closed jumping, and walking while holding the ropes with the teacher.

We also did a line tracing activity at school this week, practicing line tracing at this age helps refine pre-writing skills, laying a strong foundation for drawing and emerging writing for the future. 

For music lesson this week, we have learned to move the ropes with the speed of the music. When the music was fast, we waved the ropes faster and stronger. This trained our Rainbow kids in listening and react to the sounds. Besides that, we also did the passing ball activity. Each of us get a partner and a ball in our hand, we passed the ball to our partner by saying “Here you are” and the receivers said “Thank you”. We learned that it is important to give the object nicely and response with appreciation. Lastly, we played with the maracas and walked with the music speed.

We went to the swimming pool this week, the Rainbow kids were not afraid of the water and had so much fun at the pool. We first warming up our bodies by splashing the water with our feet. Then we take our turn to get familiar with the water with the instructors, the instructors took each kid to dive a little into the water so that we get used to the water. Next we did some activities on the walking platform. First, we walked through the water to the other side of the pool, then the instructor added some obstacles and some gaps between the platforms in order to make it more challenging. Guess what, all the Rainbow kids didn’t sweat about it and made their ways through the challenges. Lastly, we did a water slide before we end the swimming lesson. That’s all for this week, see you again!


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