
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way, Welcome to ISN Community! (Sept. 21st-24th)

It was a holiday on Monday to honor and respect the aged people. As a class, we prepared for that special day for our elderlies. So we handed out our Amabie to our grandparents to show how we love and appreciate them.

今週の月曜日は敬老の日でしたね✨ 私たちクラスでは先週、特別な物を用意しました❣ 大好きな おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんの事を思いアマビエちゃんを作りました。

UOI: Welcome to ISN Community!

This week was short yet fun and exciting for us. Why? Because we got to build our own community!

今週は登園日は少なめでしたが、楽しく過ごしました😍 なぜなら…私たちのコミュニティーを作ったからです🚗 🏟 🏝 🏘 🏗

We were so thrilled when we heard from our teachers that we were going to build our own community made from loose parts/ recyclable materials. First, we decided what buildings we should build. We had a house, a condominium, a restaurant, ISN, a dental clinic, a police station, and a bakeshop. These buildings are used for different functions. Next, we thought of things that we need to make those buildings, we made our buildings, and lastly, we decided what to name it.

先生からトイレットペーパーの芯やティッシュペーパーの箱などリサイクル材料を使って私たちのコミュニティーを作るよ❣と説明があったときはどうなるのかとドキドキ🤔😲しましたね❣ まず最初に何の建物を作るか決めました。お家、マンション、レストラン、ISN、歯医者さん、警察署、ケーキ屋さん。それぞれ違う機能を持った建物です。次に、私たちはその建物を作るために必要な材料を考え、建物を作り、最後にオリジナルの名前を決めました。

We were also elated when we were putting up our buildings, making fruit bearing trees, and planning where to glue the road. We even made a police car!


Welcome to ISN Community!

ISNコミュニティーへようこそ🖐😀  このジオラマは玄関に展示してありますので是非ご覧ください👀✨


Our gym teacher taught us a new routine– crawling like a seal. We had to crawl with our arms straight on the mat and dragged our straight legs. This routine will strengthen our shoulders and arms. We also did a handstand with the help of our teacher, and the wheelbarrow exercise.


Phonics- /ay/

We continued our phonics lesson about words with /-ay/. Aside from that, since we’ve been spelling the days of the week every morning for 6 months now, we tried if they could write them with their correct spelling. We worked together with our partner. Since the days of the week have/-ay/, it’s a good practice for us to read and write them.

フォニックスのレッスンでは -ayの付く単語を引き続きしました学びました🎵それ以外には、朝の会で曜日の綴りを声に出して言う練習を4月から6か月もしているので、お友達とペアになり正しく綴れるかトライしてみました👩‍🏫 今週の-ayの単語は、リーディングやライティングの際に大いに役立つでしょう📖📃✏

Shooting Star- Swimming

It was Shooting Star’s turn to go to their swimming lesson this week.

今週はShooting Starのスイミングの番でした🏊‍♀️🏊‍♂️

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way, Welcome to ISN Community! (Sept. 21st-24th)