
Nagano Preschool


Rainbow Nagano: Knowledge is Power

It was a restful week as we had Monday and Thursday as Holidays to celebrate the respect for the aged day and Autumn equinox. In this week, we would like to introduce you that our kids are really into books! We had some spare time after the snack time, the Rainbow kids rushed to the book shelf and eagerly asked for a book. Each of them chose their favorite book and read them quietly, some would share their book to friends. The teacher also read to them aloud too, the reading time was their favorite time every day at school. A book is like a gift that you can open and open again.
今週のBook timeの様子です。
朝のスナックタイム後に本を読む時間を設けています。お片付けを終えたお友達から好きな本を選び、座って読書タイム!お話をする時は小さな声で!のルールもしっかりと守ることができています。お友達と同じ本を読みたい時は、”share please””lets read together”と言葉で伝え、一冊の本をお友達と一緒に読みます。先生に本を読んでもらったり、一緒に絵を見て動物、色の名前を学んだりしています。毎日大好きな同じ本を読み先生たちに”この本は乗り物がたくさんあるんだよ”と内容を教えてくれるお友達もいます。ページをめくるごとにカラフルな絵、たくさんの乗り物、動物が次々と登場するのでプレゼントの様に嬉しそうに本を見ています。

Grapes have been the most famous seasonal fruit in September, therefore we had a craft time on them. We first received the materials to make the grapes, branch and leaf. Then, we listened to the instructions and put on the glue on the materials to compose the grapes on a paper. Each of them picked the position they liked on the paper and put on the grapes in order. After a while, we witnessed all kinds of grapes creatively made by the Rainbow kids! It was a meaningful lesson to raise their awareness of the seasonal fruit of the year.

We also went to the gym this week! The Rainbow kids aware that it is important to listen to the instructor so that they can enjoy the lesson. Each of them follow the instructions and listened carefully. We’re so proud of you! First, we did some stretches and running around the mat to warm up our body. Then, we did lots of activities on the mat this time as well. This included jump forward the mat, open closed jumping, tug of war holding a rope, walking on a block with instructor and finally, rolling on the mat, which was our Rainbow kids favorite of the day. All of us had so much fun and we still wished to do more! See you all again and enjoy the holiday!


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