
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way: Welcome September! Aug. 30th- Sept. 3rd

This week, we welcomed a new month with raindrops. Most days were drizzling and cool that made the kids drowsy after lunch. It was also nice to place outside in the afternoon when it wasn’t raining.


UOI: Community Helpers

On Monday, two police officers came to visit ISN. As community helpers, we thought it was a good idea for the kids to see them and learn what they do as police officers.


Aside from that, we also talked about other community helpers that make things like factory workers, seamstresses/ tailors, shoemakers, bakers, and more, and the objects they use to do their jobs.


Other community helpers who work in shops were also talked like chefs, cashiers, servers, pharmacists, and more. One fun activity that we did was throwing the ball with touch fasteners to the pie wheel with different pictures of community helpers with corresponding points. They can get the the point once they identified the community helper in the picture correctly.



It was nice to be back at Sam gym after a month. As you all know, we had been doing some routine at ISN even we weren’t going to the gym. No wonder why the kids didn’t forget the routines and were very excited to show our gym teacher how they improved. Two new things we did at the gym was rolling on the mat with their legs up and arms down. The other one was bending over backwards. They were a little challenging but they managed to do them with some guidance.

久しぶりのジムクラスがありました。この約1か月インストラクターによるレッスンはありませんでしたが、クラスでしっかり練習は積んできたので、ルーティンはしっかり覚えていましたね😉そして、インストラクターに褒められました😳😁💕 今週新しく両足をくっ付けたままマットの上に寝転がり足を浮かせたまま腹筋を使いゴロゴロ転がる練習をしました。そしてブリッジにもチャレンジしました❣ 難しい事もチャレンジするのがShooting Star, Milky Wayのお友達ですね😉👍

On our way back to school, two of them were exhausted and took a rest on the bus. 😀


Craft: Remembering our Grandparents

As we all know, we are celebrating Respect for Aged Day this month. So to start, we made something special for our grandparents. We call it Amabie. For us to understand the legend, we watched a video of the story told a long, long time ago.


Blending Phonics: ai

This week’s phonics lesson is blending –ai sound. We partnered Shooting Star with Milky Way to work together in reading and writing words with blending -ai sound.

今週のフォニックスのレッスンは –ai の音です。Shooting StarとMilky Wayのペアになり –ai の音がある言葉を探したり、先生が言う –ai の音が入った単語を綴って楽しくレッスンをしました✏

Math: Skip Counting and Place Values

For Shooting Star, we reviewed skip counting by 2s then started skip counting by 5s. They have started memorizing it. As part of our lesson, they made a skip counting by 5s illustration on their own using cut colored paper and glue.

Shooting Starの算数はスキップカウンティング。2の倍数、5の倍数学んでいます。そして暗記も始めました😎 5の倍数のチャートを自分たちで切ったり貼ったりして作りました。

For Milky Way, it was our last week of discussing place values. To assess how much they’ve learned, we did a quiz bee using our magnetic white boards to write their answers on. They had to write numbers that the teacher say and identify the place value of one digit (ones, tens, hundreds).

Milky Wayの算数は今週で最後の位取りです。理解度を測る為、マグネットボードを使ってクイズビーをしました🐝 先生が言う数字の値を位を間違えないで書くことが出来たかな❓1から100の位までやりました。🖊

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way: Welcome September! Aug. 30th- Sept. 3rd