
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way- It's More Fun with New Friends! (July 26th-30th, 2021)

This week is the start of the summer program. We met our three new friends. They say “No man is an island”, so it’s more fun if we have more friends to play and talk with!

今週からサマープログラムがスタートしました❣ 今回は3人の新しいお友達が参加してくれました😉 “No man is an island”人は1人で生きることが出来ない。と言うように友達はいっぱいいただけ楽しいですね😍

Keeping Ourselves Fit

Despite taking a rest from going to the gym for almost a month, we want to make sure that everyone stays active and fit. That’s why, we did our own gym lesson in the classroom. We did almost all the same routine as we do at Sam like the stretching exercise, single and double somersault, but we added a new one, doing squats with a yoga ball.

通常のジムレッスンが1か月近くお休みですが、しっかり運動もしなければなりません💪🦵そこで、クラス内でジムレッスンをしてみました❣ 通常のジムレッスンと同じルーティンでストレッチ、そして前転1回と前転2回を行い、今回新しく、ヨガボールを使ってスクワットも1人づつ行ってみました😁

We Can Be Authors, Too!

Since we love reading and listening to stories, we wanted to challenge ourselves if we could write our own stories. We were grouped into four and started brainstorming. We thought of characters that we want then thought of a plot on how we’re going to include all the characters in one story. This Friday is the last day of our story writing and hopefully we can read them in front of the class next week.



In our Math lesson, we did comparing things, people, and numbers. Two of our friends were asked to come in front and the rest of us thought of they differences. Some compared their height, others compared their shirt, hair, size, and more.

算数のレッスンは物、人、数の比較を学んでいます📃✏ 今回のレッスンはお友達2人に前に出て来てもらい、他のお友達が 身長、T-シャツのデザイン、髪の型、サイズなど、 その2人の違いを探していきました✨

Shaving Cream Art Activity

There are a lot of art ideas we can use shaving cream for. One of them is marbling. We sprayed the shaving cream on the a pan, leveled out the cream, squirted some dyeing colors, made some swirling designs, laid the paper down the cream, patted the paper gently, took it off the cream, scraped the cream off the paper, and voila! We made colorful and beautiful patterns!

シェイビングクリームは使い道は沢山あります😮1つはマーブリングです🎨 まず、シェービングクリームをトレイの上に出し、カラーインクをその上から垂らしていきます。そして、割りばしで模様を描いていきます。最後に無地の紙をゆっくり乗せて、その後取り出し、シェービングクリームを取り除きます。綺麗な マーブリング 模様の紙が出来上がりました✨✨

After the art activity, we also got to play and feel how soft shaving cream is.


Water Play

Summer isn’t complete without playing in the water. We get to swim in the pool or run around the playground and take a shower.

夏と言ったらプールです❣ 今週も元気よく園庭のプールで遊び、シャワーでビチャビチャになりながら走り回りました🏊‍♀️🚿

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way- It's More Fun with New Friends! (July 26th-30th, 2021)