
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Keeping cool the pool (12-16 July)

Hello everyone!

It has been another fun week here in Aurora. We started using the outside pool to play in the water, continued our first LOI, and made some very special summer crafts!

UOI (Our action’s impact animals)

We continued with our first LOI this week, “Animals in our environment”. Last week we talked about farm and forest habitats, so this week we talked about the remaining two.
今週のUOIは、”Animals in our environment”「身の回りの動物たち」というLOI1(探求の流れ1)の探求を継続して学びました。先週、私たちは農場と森林の生息地について話をしたので、今週は他の2つについて話をしていきました。


The first thing we did was talk about what exactly is a river, lake or pond. After figuring out that they are all bodies of water we wanted to know the difference between the three of them are. We watched some videos together with more explanations about the habitat. The teacher also showed them some pictures of different lakes and rivers that’s close to Nagano city, that they could easily go visit!

Ok, now we know what rivers, lakes and ponds are, but what kind of animals live there?
We talked a little about this for our prior knowledge assessment, so I was glad to see that they already had an idea. We watched a video and some pictures of animals living by a pond.
Next, we made our own Aurora river by sticking animal pictures to a poster on the wall. When they picked an animal, they had to introduce it to the rest of the class by saying. “I found a _»
先週、”prior knowledge”(事前知識評価)のために少し「Lake」のお話をしていたので、子どもたちがすでにアイデアを持っていたので嬉しかったです。
次に、川の生息地の絵が描かれたポスターを先生が壁に貼りました。そして、そこに住む動物たちの絵を一人一つずつみんなの前で紹介してから貼っていきました☺  ”I found a ___.” 「わたしは、○○を見つけました。」みんな上手にできたね☺


Our last habitat is the ocean and sea habitat. Since there is no ocean in Nagano, we looked at animals around the Japanese ocean. It was a little easier for them to grasp the meaning of “Ocean” and what kind of animals live there. We started of this lesson like the other ones. We talked about what the ocean is, and then watched a few movies and pictures while discussing what we saw. Then we made our Aurora ocean habitat by finishing the last poster.

Water play!

The kids were very excited to start this year’s water play outside. It looked like we weren’t going to be able to use the pool this week because of the rainy weather, but luckily that was not the case! We had so much fun playing with the water in the pool outside! Before we enter the pool, we go over all the rules, do some stretches and take a shower. We also take a shower after we have played in the pool. We look forward to many more fun days outside playing with the water!

Gym lesson

We had another fun gym lesson this week. After doing a fun warm-up consisting of various stretches, we used our white mat to do our exercises. First, we rocked back and forth while tucking our legs in. Next, we did a few different jump exercises across the mat. Finally, we practiced our forward roll. Please take a look at everyone’s hard work in the video below!

Summer crafts!

We made some fantastic fish this week for our crafts! We have been practicing on our scissor skills since starting in Aurora, and in it has really been paying off! We used scissors to cut colorful paper into strips and glued the strips on to a fish shaped piece of paper. Before using the scissors, we always go over the rules of how to handle the scissors. Our responsible Aurora students used the scissors carefully, and when handing over the scissors to their friends they did it slowly and safely!
また、毎回はさみを使用する前に、「使い方のおやくそく」をみんなで確認してから取り組みます。みんな丁寧にゆっくり使うことが出来、お友達にはさみを渡す時も安全に渡すことができていました☺ Well done! Aurora🤩

The design of the fish was completely up to everyone’s imagination, and I was so happy and impressed to see that everyone had their own unique designed fish! Great job Aurora!
お魚さんのデザインは、創造性豊かに一つとして同じものがない、みんなそれぞれが自由に創作していきました。”It’s ok to be different.” 自分の作ったものに自信を持ち、嬉しそうにしている様子、お友達の創作したものを興味深く見て認め合う様子☺子どもたちのそんな様子にとても嬉しく感動しました!!

Special helpers!

Before we eat our lunch, the teacher always check if the students are ready by asking a few questions. The teacher asks: “Do you have your lunch?”, “Do you have your soup/drink bottle?” and “Do you have clean hands?”. recently we have started having the students help doing this checkup. Everyday two kids come up in front of the class and asks everyone these 2 questions, to which the other students answer: “Yes, I do” or No, I don’t”. In the video below we hadn’t cleaned our hands with alcohol yet, so some of the students correctly answered “No, I don’t!” Good job everyone!
下のビデオでは、まだアルコールで手をきれいにしていないので、何人かの子どもが、「いいえ、していません。」と答えています。Good job! Aurora🤩

Thank you so much for always reading, and see you again next week!

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