
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Our feet are the same size! 🦶 (19-22 April)

Hello everyone!

We had another fantastic week together!  We continued our UOI lessons, made some colorful carps and had our first music class of the school year.mみなさん、こんにちは。

UOI lessons

We continued with our first LOI, “Our bodies look different from others” this week. We have been talking and recalling the names of the different parts of our bodies, and then discussing how they can be the same and different. We read the book “We’re the same, we’re different”, so they can get a better grasp how just how different we can be. If you want to see the book for yourself, please watch the video below:
今週も一つ目のLOI、「Our bodies look different from others」についての学習を進めました。先週から理解を進めている「Same」と「Diffrent」の言葉の意味合いをより深めるため、自分の体の部位をお友達や先生と比べ、それらがどのように同じで異なっているのかについて、探求しました。
また、「 We’re the same, we’re different 」の絵本をMr.Keneethが、読んでくれました。自分たちが他の人とどれほど異なっているかをより理解することができます。みんなこのお話を熱心に聞いていました。

At the end of last week, we used a body puzzle to reinforce the names of the different body parts. Each table got a puzzle that they had to complete together. The pieces were shared amongst the students at the table, so if someone was unsure they could ask their friends for help. This was a great way to improve on their teamwork.

Last week we colored a face after looking at our own in the mirror, and this week it was time to compare our hands and feet!

First, we used paint to make some nice handprints. The teacher painted their hands purple using a brush. They giggled and laughed as the brush stroke the palm of their hands. After a strong press down to the paper with both hands, they proudly looked at their print.

To get our footprints, we decided to trace everyone’s feet instead of using paint. The kids stood on top of the paper while the teacher used a pencil to trace around their feet. It wasn’t always easy to stand still when the pencil tickled their feet! But we got some fun prints with a different look from our handprints.

Our final, and most important activity using these prints, were measuring and comparing our size. This way, we could clearly see how our bodies can be different from each other. We used blocks as our system of measurement. The kids could easily tell the size of their hands, by saying for example: “My hand is 3 blocks long”. We also counted our fingers to show an example of how our bodies are also the same.
手形、足形を使用して 、LOI1「Our bodies look different」の重要な活動として、自分たちの手や足の測定と比較を行いました。この活動を通して、自分たちの体が互いにどのように異なるのかをはっきりと知ることができました。
「My hand is 3 blocks long.」(私の手の長さは、ブロック3つ分です)などと、言うことで手の大きさを簡単に知ることができ、また指を数えて、同じであることも共有しました。

Colorful carps

Children’s day is approaching, so we made our own colorful carps this week using clay!

We watched the read aloud video of the book “Rainbow fish” before starting our crafts. This story focuses on the importance of sharing. How difficult it can be sharing something important to you, and making that difficult choice can make you and the others around you happier.  Please take a look if you have time.

Each student got a fish shaped piece of clay. Inside the clay is a magnet, so that it can be used decorate any kid of metal surface! Each table got four different colored pieces of clay. They were then instructed to take a piece of clay, roll it in to a small ball, squeeze the ball flat, and the attach it to the fish shaped clay on the table. Of course, they were free to mix the colors and use their creativity to make their original carp. And by the end, no two carp were the same!


Phonics and writing practice

This week, we focused on the letter “B”.

We took a look at different words starting said letter. We took a closer look at the word “BAT”.

We tried to read it out phonetically. Saying each letter slowly before combining them to form the word. We also colored a page with pictures of things starting with “B”

Each letter of the week is displayed prominently on the wall with arrows to show the stroke order. Everyday, we use our fingers to draw the letter in the air together. So, when they finally start tracing the letter, they already have an idea of how it should be written.

Emergency drill

We also had an emergency drill this week. Before starting the drill, we talked about the dangerous of fire. Not only is the fire hot and dangerous, but the smoke it creates is also very dangerous. We talked about the rules, and why it’s so important to follow them. I was very happy to see everyone treating the drill seriously, following the rules perfectly! Good job Aurora!


The weather has been great (And hot!) this week, so we have been able to play outside every single day this week! We went to the park together with our friends from the older classes, shooting star and milky way. It’s nice seeing all three classes having fun and playing together.
今週は、天気が良かった(そして暑い!)ので、今週は毎日、外で遊ぶことができました。 Shooting star や Milky wayのお兄さんお姉さんたちと一緒に公園へ行き、おもいっきり遊びました。学年の違うクラスが一緒に遊んでいる姿を見るのはとても素晴らしいです。

We also had the chance to play with the younger Rainbow class outside. Everyone was sure to be careful around our cute young friends! Keep it up Aurora!

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!

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