
Nagano Preschool


Body Language! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star November 2nd-5th)

Hello Aurora and Shooting Star families!

Aurora/Shooting Starのみなさん、こんにちは😉

We have had another (short) week at ISN!

This week we continued our Unit of Inquiry lessons.


We are currently working our way through Unit 3.


To remind everyone, our Transdicplinary Theme is “How we express ourselves”, our Central Idea is “We can show our feelings in different ways”, and we have just started our 2nd Line of Inquiry, “Using Body Language/Actions”.

探究テーマは “How we express ourselves” です。探究内容は “How we express ourselves” です。今週より 2つ目のLine of Inquiry “Using Body Language/Actions”に入りました。💪🦵👃✌🖐

For this week’s lesson, we first reviewed what we had learned in LOI 1. This involved a quick discussion of various feelings, as well as singing the “Emotions Song” that we had previously learnt.

レッスンではまず 1つ目のLine of Inquiry “Using words”の復習をしました。感情の歌をうたい、その歌に出てくる感情の種類を話し合いました。

This week’s lesson built on what we had learned previously, as we introduced the fact that people can use their bodies to express various emotions.


First, our teacher asked us if we knew of any ways to show any emotions using our bodies. Some students were able to show off using their bodies, which was great to see.


Next our teacher quickly showed us one or two gestures we could make to show each emotion we had learnt about.


Then, we played a game to test how well the students had been paying attention.


We spread around the room, and performed various exercises such as running in place or star jumping.


During intervals, our teacher would call out an emotion, and students had to quickly show that emotion to their teachers.


Finally, we played a game of charades to demonstrate what we had learned during the lesson.


Students came to the front of the class, and demonstrated an emotion without speaking, only using their body language. Some students needed the help of the teacher to pick an emotion for them, but everyone was able to use their bodies once they had an idea of the emotion they had to demonstrate.


This was a great lesson, and will be built upon for our lessons the following week! Great job everyone!


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Also this week we had two exciting music lessons!


Aurora class went first, and practiced for their Christmas Show song!


Aurora class is really working hard to understand beats and tempo, so they had a drill about when to sing or play their instrument, and when to remain silent.


This was also reinforced with a game, where students held onto hula hoops and moved around the classroom according to the tempo they heard from the piano.


When the music stopped, the students sat down on the floor.


This was a good practise for the students, and work continues to make the Christmas Show song as great as it can be!

Shooting Star class also rehearsed playing their Christmas Show song.

Shooting Starもクリスマスショー🎄の練習です。

Since the students are becoming very talented on their pianicas, our music teacher introduced the students to a set of bells, each corresponding to a different note.


Students had the chance to play a simple melody using the bells, with one student playing a single note, and only playing when that note happened during the song.

1人1つベルを持ち、ピアニカでもお馴染みのきらきら星を試しにベルで演奏してみました🔔 みなさんとても上手に演奏が出来て、先生もビックリしてしまいました!!!

If the students work hard and become masters at the bell, they might even get to play them during the show!


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Great job this short week everyone, and see you again for a regular sized week next time!


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Body Language! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star November 2nd-5th)