
Nagano Preschool


Rice Planting!! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star June 1st-4th)

Hello Aurora and Shooting Star families!

We have had another fun week at ISN!

At the end of last week, our class had a picnic outside! Everyone was able to bring their lunch in a lunchbox, as well as a picnic blanket or mat. Students used great English skills to tell their teachers what they were eating. Popular lunch items were rice balls, pasta, and lots of healthy fruit desserts! We enjoyed eating our lunch in the warm sun, but by the time we were finished eating, it was time to cool off using the hose! Everyone had a great time, and we hope we can do this again soon!


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At the start of this week, we had the chance to plant some rice! One of our teachers brought in some rice, as well as some soil and water. We took turns planting the rice into a bucket filled with water and soil. We will take care of the rice until it is time to harvest, and eventually eat it!


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Next we had our first chance to visit the park in a long time! We formed pairs of one older student and one younger student, and walked very nicely from school to the park. Once we got to the park, popular activities included swinging on the swings, playing on the playground, and chasing/being chased by our teachers. Students showed great maturity by taking turns on the swings, and used great English when asking their teachers to chase them. After we finished playing, we walked back to school for a yummy lunch!

次に大きいお友達と小さいお友達でペアを組み歩いて公園へいきました。遊戯で遊び、友達や先生と追いかけっこをして遊びました。お友達同士で遊ぶときは、しっかりと順番待ちがをしてブランコに乗りました!もちろん遊ぶ時も英語で “come and get me!” や “I can do it!”と言ったフレーズを使い、遊べました。公園で遊んだ後は、またお友達とペアになり歩いて上手に歩いて帰り、お昼にしました。

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Next we continued the week with another Unit of Inquiry lesson. For this lesson, we focused on our Line of Inquiry “We are the same but also different”. For this activity, we were specifically focussing on the key phrase “Caring”. We started off the activity by reading the book Horton Hears a Who. Once we finished reading the book, we had a discussion about what character was caring, and what actions the other characters could perform to go from uncaring to caring. Finally, we had a small role play situation, where we pretended to be different characters from the book, and acted out scenes that showed we were caring. Everyone had a great time, and showed some wonderful creativity during the role play!

続いてはIBのレッスンです。”We are the same but also different”を単元に”Caring”を中心にアクティビティーをしました。Horton Hears a Whoの本を読み聞かせ、それぞれの主人公について話合い、誰がcaring(相手のことを思っている)か考え、その逆で誰がCaringではないかを話し合い、どんな気持ちかを話し合いました。その後にoの本を読み聞かせ、それぞれのキャラクターについて話合い、誰がcaring(相手のことを思っている)か考え、その逆で誰がCaringではないかを話し合い、どんな気持ちかを話し合いました。その後にHorton Hears a Whoのキャラクターになりきり小さな劇をして気持ちを確かめましたcaring(相手のことを思っている)ってとても大事ですよね!

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After that we had another fun gym lesson. For our theme this month, we will be focussing on improving our Speed. We started off by jogging, and then stretching our bodies. Our first game we played was a game called Fishy Fishy Cross the Sea. The students lined up on one end of the playground, and had to run to the other end of the playground without getting tagged by a student or teacher that was standing in the middle. If they got tagged, they became a tagger. We repeated this until we only had one person left! Next we lined up and performed a relay race. We split up into three teams, and had to take turns running forward and backward, eventually moving our team from one line to another. By this time, everyone was very hot, so we cooled off by using the hose. Hopefully next week will be a bit cooler, so we can play more games outside!

その後はジムのクラスです。今月はスピードを中心にアクティビティをしています。ジョギング、そしてストレッチをして始まりました。最初のゲームはFishy Fishy Cross the Seaです。まず、園庭の端に列に並び、真ん中にいる先生やお友達に捕まらないように園庭の逆側まで走るゲームです。もし、逆側までたどり着く前に、先生やお友達にタッチされてしまったら、オニになってしまいます。そして、どんどんオニが多くなっていきます。今回は最後の1人になるまで遊びました。次に、リレーをしました。3チームに分かれて園庭を行き来しました。外でジムをしてとても暑くなったので、最後は恒例のホースで水遊びをし、クールダウンしました。

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Next we had our second Unit of Inquiry lesson of the week. Continuing with our Line of Inquiry “We are the same but different”, we created some charts to highlight important similarities and differences amongst our class. Our teacher had cut out copies of pictures of our faces, and we attached these to our charts in the correct areas. Our categories included hair colour, number and types of siblings, birthday month and shoe size. For each category, we discussed who fit into each section, and once we finished each section, we compared the sizes of each section. For example, we learned that most students have black hair, the most common birthday month is June, and our shoe sizes range from 14.5 to 30 cm! Everyone did a great job, and can better understand our similarities, as well as our differences!

次は今週2回目のIBレッスンです。1回目と同様、”We are the same but different”を単元に探究しました。今回は、お友達の顔をステッカーを予め用意し、自分はどのチャートに属するかを確かめ、お友達との違いや似ているところを見つけました。カテゴリーは髪の毛の色、兄弟の数、誕生月、そして靴のサイズです。クラスの主な共通点は多くのお友達は黒髪で6月生まれでした。靴のサイズは幅が広く14.5cmから30㎝までありました!みんな違ってみんな良いですよね!お友達みんなアクテビティに参加して、理解を深めましたね。Great Job!

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And finally this week we finished off with another fun pair of music lessons. Aurora class listened to some music, and moved around the room slowly and quickly, depending on the music speed they heard. Using large pieces of cloth, they sang Flowers are smiling, and waved their large pieces of cloth around. Finally they matched their teacher’s rhythm by clapping along to a wooden gong. Shooting Star also sang Flowers are smiling, waving large pieces of cloth around while doing so. Shooting Star continued playing their pianicas, reviewing hand placement and sounds of the Do Re Mi Fa and So notes. They put these skills to the test by playing Higeji-san, which has a very difficult ending! Everyone did a great job, and enjoyed moving around the classroom to the music.

最後にみんな大好きなリトミックの時間です。Auroraは強弱をメロディーに合わせて動きました。スカーフを使い、お花をつくり、ゆっくりなリズムで横に揺れたり、メトロノームと手拍子に合わせてフルーツの名前を言いました。色んな事に集中しなければならなかったので、大変難しかったです!Shooting Starはピアニカでドレミファソラシの復習をピアニカでしました。「トントントントンひげ爺さん」の曲も演奏しました。この曲のエンディングがとても難しかったです。みなさんよく頑張りましたね!

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Thank you again everyone, and see you next time!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Rice Planting!! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star June 1st-4th)