
Nagano Preschool


December soon!

Hello Aurora families!


We have had another great week at ISN!


We started off the week by paying outside. We had some great weather, and had the chance to play with our younger friends in Rainbow class. We set up different stations, including a pull-up bar, stepping stones, and the sandpit. Other popular activities included playing soccer with our teachers, and being buddies to our younger friends. Everyone in Aurora did a great job playing with, and looking out for their buddies.


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Next up we had a fun gym lesson, continuing with our theme of catching and throwing. We started off by stretching our legs and arms, before we gathered into a circle. One student stood in the middle, and threw the ball to their partners, going around the circle a full time. Everyone caught the ball at least once, and we had some amazing catching streaks. After this, we were assigned numbers. Our teacher called out a number, and we had to run and catch the ball before it hit the ground. We improved our number recognition, and many students even caught the ball!  

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After that we worked on our second Autumn craft. Recently, we have noticed that the trees at the park have changed their leaves to a nice collection of red, orange, yellow and other fall colours. Therefore, we decided to make a painting that shows these lovely trees. We started off by tracing our hands, and having our teachers cut these out. We then glued them onto a piece of paper. After that, we used a cotton swab to paint leaves of many different colours. Everyone made some great pieces, and they turned out great!

工作のテーマは秋です。公園の葉っぱが、橙、黄、などの秋の色に変わっていることに気づいた子どもたち。絵具を使って素敵な秋の木を表現する工作をすることにしました。まず、手の形を鉛筆で縁どり、先生に切り抜いてもらいました。切り抜いたかわいい手の形をした紙で”Good bye!” “Hello!” “Let’s shake hands!”と遊ぶのはご愛嬌。その手形を白い紙に貼り付けて、さあ、綿棒を使って、色々な色で紅葉を表現していきました!表現の仕方はそれぞれで、てんてんてん…と色をつけていく子、線を書いていく子、など様々です。どれも個性があって、素敵な紅葉が紙いっぱいに広がりました。

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Finally we had another fun music lesson. We started off by holding some hula hoops, and trying to match our teacher’s rhythm and frequency by tapping the hula hoops on the ground. After that we worked on some of our Christmas Show songs. We used castanets and jingly bells to practice our songs “We wish you a Merry Christmas”, “Jingle Bells” and “Deck the Halls”. Everyone did very well, and the Christmas show will sound amazing!

今週のリトミックでは、まずフラフープを使い先生の弾く音楽のリズムに合わせて床をトントンとたたいたり、フープの中に入ってゆったりゆらゆらしたりしました。軽快な曲は小刻みにトントン、リズムが変化する曲にトントン、トトン。色々なリズムを楽しみました。その後はカスタネットとすずを、揃って演奏する練習です。「ウン、タンタン」「タンタン、ウン」簡単ではありませんが、先生の顔をじっと見て一生懸命に練習している姿がありました。クラスでは、We wish you a Merry Christmas, Jingle Bells, Deck the Hallsの歌詞のリズムに合わせて楽器を鳴らす練習もしています。クリスマスショーでは練習の成果が出せるよう、これからも楽しく練習をしていきます!

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Thank you again everyone, and see you again next time!


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