
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – Fun with leaves (November 11-14)

Hello everyone!

It has been another fun and exciting week here at ISN.


We had a fun time at the park this week. The weather was nice, and everyone was full of energy! Our Rainbow students follow the rules and calmly walks while holding the rope. At the park everyone is had a lot of fun, and was able to use their bodies and energy. Some chose to use the swings while others played on the playground. Some of the students helped pick up some nice leaves that we’ll use for our Autumn crafts this week!

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We had another fun gym lesson this week.
The lesson started by doing our usual stretches and warm up.
The kids then had to balance across a rope laying down on the mat.
They also had to walk backwards and sideways like a crab.
I’m very impressed by everyone’s good balance!
Then they had to sit down with their hands down on the floor behind them, and try to hold both of their legs up in the air. The next activity was the popular frog jump, but this time they had to try and jump forward without taking their hands off the floor.
Finally, the kids had to climb on top of the vaulting box by first placing their hands down, and then climb up with their feet without letting go of their hands from the vaulting box. After successfully climbing on top, they jumped off on to the mat. Everyone did a great job and had a lot of fun!

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Autumn is here and that means that the once healthy and green leaves are starting to fade and change color! We used the leaves we picked up at the park this week to make something cute!
Everyone got some leaves and some figures they could glue on to a piece of paper. The figures included a cute bear, a couple of mushrooms, a set of leaves and some colorful grapes.
We also made a lion using a paper plate and some more of the leaves from the park.
Everyone did a great job using the materials to create something wonderful!
ガオーとライオンの真似をしながら落ち葉を一枚一枚張り付け、色を塗り可愛いライオンさん達が出来上がりました。そしてもう一つは、落ち葉、ぶどう、クマさん、キノコなどを張り付けて秋を表現しました。工作中も落ち葉はfallen leaves、ぶどうはgrapeなど一つずつ声に出しながら思い思いの秋を表現しました。作品は廊下の壁に飾ってありますのでご覧ください。

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We had another very fun music class this week.
We started with our usual greeting song.
This week we practiced our balance by standing on one leg. They had to try and stand on one leg for as long as the teacher was playing music. We also used the castanets again this week! The teacher would then show the kids the rhythm and amount of times they had to hit it. Everyone tried their best to follow the teachers tempo and instructions.

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Thank you all for reading, and see you again next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow – Fun with leaves (November 11-14)