
Nagano Preschool


Some great weather this week in Nagano!

Hello Aurora families!


We have had another exciting week at ISN!


We started off the week with a lovely trip to the park! We were lucky to have a great autumnal day, and walked along with our younger friends very nicely. We had the choice of swinging on the swings, playing on the playground or running around with our friends. There were also some other local children that we enjoyed playing with. Some students even enjoyed picking up some beautiful yellow, orange and red leaves that had fallen off the trees! Everyone had a great time, and got plenty of exercise!


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After that, we had another fun gym lesson. Yet again we had some great weather, so we decided to have our lesson outside! Continuing on with our November theme of catching and throwing balls, we first warmed up with a simple jog, and then went right into catching and throwing practise. Everyone was able to catch the ball at least once, and many students were even able to throw an accurate pass back to their teacher. After that we played a game called Capture the Flag. We got into two teams, and the goal of the game was to move the ball from one end of the arena to the other, passing between our teammates. Everyone showed great teamwork, and improved their hand-eye coordination.

今週のジムレッスンの日は、晴れて暖かくいいお天気だったので、園庭でレッスンをしました!11月のテーマはボールを投げる、受ける、です。ジョギングからはじめ、まずはボールを投げたり受け取ったりする練習です。先生が投げたボールをみんな1回は上手に受け取ることができました!先生のところに正確にボールを返せるお友だちもいます!次いで、Capture the Flagというゲームをしました。2チームに分かれ、相手陣地にあるボールを、お友だちとパスをしながら自分の陣地に持ってくるというルールです。みんな良いチームワークを発揮して取り組み、目-手の協応性を高めることもできました。

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Next we had another great swimming lesson. Everyone happily rode the bus to the pool, and changed into their suits. Since we are spending a greater amount of time underwater, many students wore goggles in order to see underwater better. We started off by stretching, and then showering before entering the pool. Activities we performed were crossing the pool on a kickboard (with and without help from our teacher), dropping a weighted ring underwater and then going down to grab it, crossing the pool with rings on our heads, and finally moving some floating plastic balls from one bucket to another. Everyone did a great job, and many students are becoming very accustomed to the water!


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Finally, we had another great music lesson! We started off by clapping along to some animal names with two and three syllables. After that we practised more of our Christmas show musical instruments, listening to and repeating different patterns on our jingly bells and our castanets. Finally, we sang London Bridge is Falling Down, a mix of slow and fast versus. We held our hula hoops and marched around the classroom, going faster or slower depending on what we heard. Well done everybody!


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Thank you everyone, and see you again next time!


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