
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star- Insect Museum at ISN Nagano (Sept. 20th-22nd)

This week was packed of knowledge and fun. We spent almost all mornings with our schoolmates- Rainbow, Aurora, Milky Way, and Grade 1. We invited them to visit our insect museum. We showed them our output for the whole unit, Sharing the Planet. We had our dioramas of the life cycle of insects, body parts of insects, pollination show, and videos related to insects.

Aurora friends ask questions
Rainbow visits our musuem
MWG1 visits our musuem

It’s Q and A Time!

Milky Way and G1, together with Shooting Star, watched a video of a firefly life cycle. After viewing, MWG1 had a chance to ask us some questions about fireflies.

On the third and clast day of the exhibit, Shooting Star did a Pollination show to all three classes with the help of some MWG1 friends.

Pollination show for Rainbow
Pollination show for MWG1
Pollination show for Aurora


Hula Hoop Relay

Free Play

We enjoyed the cool weather outside during cloudy and sunny days while inside during a rainy day.

Have a fruitful long weekend!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Shooting Star / Nagano Shooting Star- Insect Museum at ISN Nagano (Sept. 20th-22nd)