
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star: Plants to see, and plants to care for! (September 04-08)

We began our week on Monday with a trip to the Obuse Floral Garden. We saw so many plants in so many stages! Some flowers were just blooming, but many plants were already making seeds, and some were already dropping their leaves. We picked up some of the fallen leaves to take back to school for projects. We enjoyed our morning in the garden!

We were busy all week finishing our preparations for Friday’s Jurassic Park Sports Festival (pictures next week!), but on Thursday we went out to make sure the seeds that we planted on 8/31 had everything plants need to grow: sunshine, air, water and good soil were all ok, but many of our young plants (“seedlings”) needed more SPACE to grow, so we gave our radish seedlings more space by TRANSPLANTING some seedlings, and THINNING OUT others.

We’ll show you pictures from Friday’s Sports Festival NEXT week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Shooting Star / Nagano Shooting Star: Plants to see, and plants to care for! (September 04-08)