
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow ~ Pass the cone with our claw feet!(May 13th-17th)

Hello everyone! Hoping everyone is doing well with these intense weather changes.



We had a great time playing. Chasing each other and the teacher was one of their favorites. Some girls picked up flowers and made bracelets while the boys looked for ants.


Farm and Zoo animals

This week, we learned about zoo animals and their scary sounds. We played the Hit the Animals game, holding the styrofoam stick. We enjoyed hitting the animal with the tip of the stick. We also colored one of the farm animals. We have a deviant imagination on how we put color into it.

今週は、動物園の動物とその怖い鳴き声について学びました。発泡スチロールの棒を持って、Hit the Animalsゲームをしました。棒の先で動物を叩いて楽しみました。また、農場の動物に色を塗りました。どのように色をつけるか、子どもたちの想像力は豊かです。

Gym lesson

We did our best to pass through the stepping stones with the interval heights. This interval plays a pivotal role in determining the pace and rhythm of our journey. Then, we went to the next circuit, which was jumping to the connected rings. The most challenging thing for us was passing the cone with our feet to the next person in the line. We did it!! Lastly, we did take the same ring color! We had so much fun doing this.

子どもたちは色んな高さのプラスチックの飛び石を渡ることに挑戦しました。このプラスチックの飛び石は、子どもたちがサーキットの旅のペースと感覚を掴む重要な役割を果たします。そして次のサーキットでは、つながったリングにジャンプしました。子どもたちにとって最も難しかったのは、足で小さな三角コーンを隣にいるお友達に渡すことでした。子どもたちはそれを頑張ってやりました。 最後に、同じリングの色を取りました!とても楽しかったです。


This week, in our Music lesson, the teacher gave us a different style of maracas. There were fruits, vegetables, and egg maracas. We were surprised and amazed at how cool they were and how they looked like the real thing. We also walked around when the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star music played and shook the maracas. When the music stopped, we were able to stop nicely, too! And that was excellent when we completely stopped the sound of the maracas. Before we ended, we made a beautiful flower bloom in our little hands while singing the song Flowers Are Smiling.

今週の音楽のレッスンでは、先生がいろいろな形のマラカスを貸してくれました。果物、野菜、卵のマラカスがありました。子どもたちは、そのかっこよさと本物そっくりの見た目にびっくり仰天でした。きらきら星の音楽が流れているときは、歩きながらマラカスを振りました。音楽が止まると、子どもたちはきれいに止まることができました!みんながぴたっとマラカスの音を止めたときは見事でした。最後に、Flowers Are Smilingの歌を歌いながら、小さな手にきれいな花を咲かせました。

Have fun singing one of our songs; click the link below.


Thank you for visiting our blog and see you again next week!


Have a great weekend!


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow ~ Pass the cone with our claw feet!(May 13th-17th)