
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star – Sun, Art, and Splashing Fun (August 19th-23rd)

Hello everyone!

It was great to see everyone again after the summer break. Judging from all the stories, it seems like everyone had an amazing summer holiday too!


We reflected on what we learned before the summer holiday about how our actions can affect the environment and the animals living there. We discussed how animals could live if we cut down all the trees or how the animals in the forest or ocean could live if we litter. As part of this reflection, each student made a drawing showing something wasteful or harmful to the environment.

Water play

We used the big pool for the first time this year. The kids were excited to show me all the different animals they could pretend to be, like a scary alligator or a frightening shark.

Art contest

The students had the chance to enter an art contest. They were free to create any type of art they wanted. Some preferred to use paint, while others used crayons. We will submit all of our students’ pictures for the contest.

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Shooting Star / Nagano Shooting Star – Sun, Art, and Splashing Fun (August 19th-23rd)