
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Practice makes perfect (November 6th-11th)

Hello everyone!

I’m so sorry for not having a blog last week! I will share some of the highlights from the past two weeks.

Christmas show practice

We have been hard at work practicing for this year’s Christmas show, a unique adaptation of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” with an Aurora twist! We will send the script for the Christmas show to all the parents next week, so you have a chance to practice some of the lines at home, too!

Christmas workshop with the elementary class

We had a small Christmas workshop together with our big brothers and sisters from G1 and G2. They helped us make some nice Christmas trees. It’s not the first time we have done something with the elementary class, and it’s always so sweet seeing the classes interact.

Outside play

Oh no! There’s a monster! Lately, the most popular outdoor activity has been running away from the scary monster teacher. As soon as the kids go outside, you can hear them screaming, “Monster, please!” or “You can’t catch me!” If the weather permits, we try to play outside daily to allow the kids to exercise and burn some of their boundless energy.

Music lesson

Apart from practicing for our Christmas performance, we also improved our rhythm by doing some simple exercises. The teacher would drop a ball to the floor, and we would clap our hands every time the ball hit the floor. The clapping would get faster as the ball lost speed and bounced more rapidly.

This is Halloween!

Better late than never? Here is a video we recorded last week on Halloween, the spookiest day of the year. As part of their monthly song, the children have been singing “This is Halloween.” Please take a moment to watch and enjoy their spooky performance.

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!

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