
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Aurora Nagano: Our phonics journey

Aurora have been learning the phonics since the beginning of the year and this week we have reached the letter W. We always revise and review the sound of each alphabet at the beginning of the lesson and our kids really showed us what they are really capable of. Here are some photos and a video of the lesson this week. Well Done, Aurora!

Our preparation for Christmas show is still ongoing during this week. We went to Mamejima gym which we have rented for rehearsal this week! We are grateful for the spacious venue, and it allowed us to give it all for our show next week! The kids’ efforts are worthy of praise, and we witnessed their growth each day and every time we practice. Break a leg, Aurora!
今週もクリスマスショー🎄の準備が進んでいます。 今週は近隣の体育館へ練習へ行ってきました!🚌スポーツフェスティバル以来、久しぶりに訪れた広々とした体育館!広い場所での練習は、いつもの練習と違って声の大きさや動きなどもダイナミックに思いっきりできました🤩 子どもたちの努力は称賛に値し、日々、練習のたびに成長を目の当たりにしています。 がんばろう!オーロラ!

We had tons of fun at the gym this week! I guess this can be a little break from our daily practice and recharge ourselves to get ready for our upcoming event! We are so excited for our Christmas show next week, see you all there!
今週のジムレッスンもとても楽しかったです! クラスみんながさまざまマット運動の活動にチャレンジできました。さまざまな活動に次々とチャレンジする子どもたちの表情はどれも自信に満ち溢れ、お友だちと楽しそうに活動する様子に心と身体の成長を感じます❣


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