


Nagano Aurora – Getting Super Duper Awesome Everyday! (May 27th-31st)

Hello Everyone! 

This last week of May, I’m happy to share that the kids are getting super duper awesome everyday. We saw some fruits from the constant reminder and daily practice of good habits and manners at class. The kids are getting use to our classroom routine.

Aurora kids are trying their best to be Principled and Caring which is part of our IB Learner Profile

At class we talked about the importance of being Principled and Caring. What it looks like and how do we do it. 

Being Principled is lining up nicely, using our inside voice, walking in the hall way, listening, cleaning up, keeping quiet when need be and raising our hands when we want to talk.

Being Caring is sharing toys with friends, talking kindly, helping out a friend, being kind and waiting for your turn. 

Really glad that slowly but surely the kids are adjusting well, adapting and growing to be more responsible and for that they are all super duper amazing!

These are the photos for this week.

Outside Play – Fun under the Sun

Dance – Learning some new dance moves

Music – Enjoying music theory with active play

Swimming – Everyone loves to swim and they try different fun challenges. Aurora kids being Risk Takers

Thank You for your time and a have great weekend!

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