
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Aurora – Got to keep moving forward  (February 24th-28th) 

Hello Everyone! 

 This is the last week of the month of February which means March is just around the corner and we are nearing the end of our Aurora Class 2024-2025. We are looking at about 3 more weeks and it’s time to say our goodbyes as the kids level up. Wow! Time flies by quickly. We will cherish this few more weeks together.



This week in our UOI 4 learning, We tackled our last LOI, LOI 3 which is results of movement. We all discovered that movement can have an effect on our lives in many ways. Moving or movement in certain speed and force can cause change. The blade of the helicopter when it spins really fast can make the helicopter fly. A cars wheel when it turns can move the car either fast or slow. We can go down fast when we ride the water slide. We can stretch some objects and it can become long or short. When we squeeze something it can change shape and much more.

今週のUOI 4の学習では、最後のLOIであるLOI 3の「動きの結果」に取り組みました。私たちは皆、動きが私たちの生活に様々な影響を与えることを発見しました。あるスピードと力で動いたり、移動したりすることは変化を引き起こします。ヘリコプターのブレードが高速で回転すると、ヘリコプターを飛ばすことができます。車の車輪が回転すれば、車を速くも遅くも動かすことができます。ウォータースライダーに乗れば、速く滑り降りることができます。あるものを伸ばすと、長くなったり短くなったりします。何かを絞ると、形が変わったり、もっといろいろなこともできるようになります。

We are concluding our UOI 4 journey, to wrap up our topic we are making some fun easy toys that can move.

Kindly check out this dance video that we dance to in class that is related to our UOI 4. It is fun exercise video.

UOI 4 の旅の締めくくりとして、動くおもちゃを作ります。

クラスで踊っているUOI 4に関連したダンスビデオをご覧ください。


We started using our pianica’s during music lessons. It’s fun to try out new things. Everyone was eager to play.


ABC / Phonics 

This week we learned about the Letters R, S, T, U. Kindly watch the video of the following letter linked here.


Kids having a blast playing indoors and outdoors. kids are so happy they can play in the sand pit again. Indoors, We love to build things with friends.


Thank You for your time and have a nice weekend.

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora – Got to keep moving forward (February 24th-28th)