
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Aurora – Happy Heart’s Day Everyone (February 12th-14th) 

Hello Everyone! 

It’s a short but a sweet week.

The highlight of the week is our Valentine’s Lunch open day. The kids have been eagerly awaiting this day, we marked the calendar red, the day where in mom or dad will come to school and we will all eat lunch together. We talked about how we should try to be in our best behavior and have good manners when we have the lunch open day (and basically everyday). So the kids have been looking forward to this day and its finally here, the kids did not disapoint they did a great job and its all thanks to you. So We would like to once again thank the parents for taking time out of your busy schedules and for joining the kids this lunch open school day. It was an extra special lunch day having you join us.


Heart’s Day Craft

In celebration of hearts day. The kids made a cute valentines craft. It’s all heart work and hard work . Kids had fun making this lovely sweet craft especially for you. 

ハートの日を記念して オーロラさんたちはかわいいバレンタイン・クラフトを作りました。心のこもった一生懸命な作品です。お子さんたちは、特別なみなさまのために、この素敵なかわいい作品を作ることを楽しんでいました。

Sharing this heartwarming quote with you … “There are really places in the heart you don’t even know exist until you love a child.” – Anne Lamott

この心温まる言葉を皆さんと分かち合いたいと思います……。「子供を愛して初めて、その存在に気づく心の場所が本当にある」。- アン・ラモット


For phonics, we learned about the letters J, K, L this week. 


Kindly check out the link for the ff letters

Thank You for reading our blog. Have a great weekend. Happy Hearts Day everyone. 

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora – Happy Heart’s Day Everyone (February 12th-14th)