Hello everyone!
I hope everyone enjoyed their day off on Tuesday! Did everyone see the fireworks? We talked about it in the morning circle the next day, and the students were very excited when they talked about it!
UOI lesson
Transdisciplinary theme: How We Express Ourselves
Central idea: Ideas and feelings can be communicated in a variety of ways
Line of inquiry: Ways to communicate with others
Before moving on to our third LOI, we finished our second LOI this week. We had a role play where the focus was to see how the kids would react to a sad or angry friend.
The students got assigned a feeling, which the wore around their necks. We had 4 happy friends, 1 sad and 1 angry friend.
They were instructed to pretend to play and think about everything we have learned about handling emotions. I was happy to see that the happy friends very nicely asked the sad friend “Are you ok” and “What happened”. One of the boys shared his only toy with the sad friend in order to make him happy. When we asked the sad friend how he felt when he got the toy, he said that he felt happy! Good job happy friends!
子どもたちは、今まで学んだ感情をどう扱うかについて考えながら、割り当てられたカードの感情を表現することにしました。「Happyな友達」が「悲しい友達」に「大丈夫ですか?」、「どうしたんですか?」と、とても上手く尋ねることが出来ていました🤩「Happyな友達」の男の子のひとりが、「悲しい友達」をHappyにするために彼が使っていた、たった一つのおもちゃを「悲しい友達」と共有してくれました。「悲しい友達」におもちゃをもらった時の気持ちを聞いてみると、嬉しかった!!とのことでした。とても素敵な行動をしてくれた「Happy な友達」でした!
Of course, our angry and sad friends did a great job showing their emotions while role playing. I hope the kids can use this nice and friendly behavior going forward in their normal playtime too!

We have finished learning all the uppercase letters of the alphabet, and have now moved on to lowercase letters! We are focusing on one letter a week, and this week’s letter was “h”. We did a letter recognition worksheet and traced the letter for our writing practice.
Since Aurora have already learned all the sounds the letters make, we have started trying to read easy CVC words. At the start of the lesson, we review the sounds of the letter of the week, and talk about words that start with the letter. Then, we try reading a few different words together.
When we take a look at a word, we first look at the individual letters. We sound out each letter. Then we blend the sounds together to form the word. Let’s use the word “hat” for an example. First, we say /h/ /a/ /t/. Then, we blend the to first sounds /ha/ /t/. And finally, all three sounds together to say the word “hat”.
単語を見るとき、最初に個々の文字をみんなで確認します。そして、それぞれのアルファベットの音をみんなで声に出して発声します。次に、音をブレンドして単語を形成します。たとえば、「hat」という言葉をみてみましょう。まず、/h/a/t/とそれぞれの音を発声します。次に、最初の音/ha/ /t/に分けます。そして最後に、3つの音がすべて一緒に合わさり、「hat」という言葉になります。
I have made a little presentation using three of the words we read in class. Hat, hot and hug. You can use this to practice reading at home too! Maybe you will be surprised how well you child can read!

Outside play
It’s getting colder, but we always keep ourselves warm by running around when we play together. We have also been lucky to have some nice sunny days this week!
