
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Aurora – How we organize ourselves (11-14 January)

Hello everyone!

Hope everyone enjoyed yet another long weekend! We have had another busy and fun week here in Aurora class. We started our last UOI, had an exciting swimming lesson and played outside in the snow!

UOI lessons

Transdisciplinary theme: How we organize ourselves
Central idea: People have roles and responsibilities to organize the school community.
Line of inquiry: Classroom physical environment

Our last UOI this school year is all about how we can keep our school clean and organized. We will start by looking at how to keep our classroom neat and tidy. Then, we will look at what our roles and responsibilities are. The word responsibility is a wonderful and important word, and they will get a better understanding of it by the end of the unit. At the end of the unit, we will talk about why it’s important to keep our surroundings clean.

Oh no! What a messy classroom!

When entering the classroom after our music lesson, the students got a huge surprise! The classroom was totally messy! They were very surprised when they entered the room! They asked questions like “Who did this?” and “what happened?”. When the teacher asked them how the classroom was looking, they answered “Messy!”.  We asked the student’s if we want a messy classroom to which they replied “No!”.

We asked them what they think they should be do if they don’t like a messy classroom. They replied with a big “Clean up!”. But how? “Like this!”. They then started to clean up all the mess!
そして、ひどく散らかった教室が嫌な時はどうしたらいいかと子どもたちに聞きました。子どもたちは、大きな声で「 Clean up !!」と答えました。

After we finished cleaning up the classroom, we discussed what just happened. When we asked you how they felt when they saw the messy classroom, we got some good answers. Answers like: Surprised, I don’t like it, angry, sad.

We asked ourselves “Is the classroom organized? Is everything where it is supposed to be?”.

We also watched and listened to a fun little song about cleaning up.
Please listen to it together at home if you have time.

Organizing our lockers

For our second lesson this week, we wanted to turn the focus on our lockers. It’s important that our lockers are well organized, so that we can take good care of our belongings. It also makes their days easier if they can easily access what they need from their lockers.

We started the lesson by talking about what our lockers should look like. The teacher show examples using a picture of their locker. We also talked about why we put the things in their specific place. If we put the plastic bag on the lower peg, what happens when we put the backpack on the top peg. They could see and understand that it would be difficult to use the plastic bag because it ends up hanging behind their backpack.

After the discussion, we headed over to our lockers. First, we took out our top basket with all our extra change of clothes. We took out the clothes, folded it nicely, and put it back nicely. Then, we took out our things from the middle shelf. We looked at what kind of things we put in the smaller basket and what we can put next to it.

Finally, we took out all our things from the main part of the locker. It was now their job to put it back nicely in the same order as we had discussed earlier. The teachers checked everyone’s locker to see if it was organized nicely. I’m happy to say that all the lockers were perfect! Let’s keep it this nice from now on everyone!


We learned to recognize lowercase n this week in our phonics lesson. I’m happy to see that some of the students were already able to identify the letter before we started.

We continued reading CVC words together this week too. This time, we looked at words ending with -at. So, our four words were Cat, hat, bat and rat.

Snow time!

The weather suddenly decided to give us the gift of snow this week! And if there is one thing kids love, it is to play in the snow! We had a great time making a big snow mountain, and then turning that same mountain into a slide!

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora – How we organize ourselves (11-14 January)