Hello Everyone! It’s December time, winter is here! it’s getting colder by the day, hope everyone is healthy and keeping warm.
This week it’s nothing but Christmas Show practice.
We had our 2nd and final rehearsal at the big stage, the kids wore their costumes, we had some props in place, curtains opened, sound checked, lights turned on and action! We did our Christmas Show like it’s the real deal. The kids got nervous during the rehearsals, but they gave it a try. It’s great to have this kind of practice to help the kids get more comfortable with the place, and the whole experience so when time comes and its the actual show time, Hopefully (fingers crossed) they give it their best but most importantly they enjoy the whole experience for themselves and you get to enjoy watching them just having fun while performing for you their family.
大きなステージで2回目の最終リハーサルを行い、オーロラさんたちは衣装を身につけ、小道具を揃え、カーテンを開け、音響をチェックし、照明を点けて、、、アクション! 本番さながらにクリスマス・ショーを行いました。リハーサルの間、みんな緊張していましたが、挑戦してくれました。このような練習をすることで、みんながこの場所にもっと馴染めるようになり、本番でみんなのベストをつくしてくれるのは素晴らしいことですが(がんばれ!)、何よりも大切なのはこの経験全体を楽しんでくれること、そしてお家のみなさまに鑑賞を楽しんでいただけることです。
Just one more week left…Christmas Show count down begins…we are all excited and looking forward to the the day of the show. Please let the kids know you’re excited and you are proud of them no matter what.
Thank You for reading our blog this week.