Hello Everyone!
Hope you’re all keeping warm and healthy this cold winter season.
This week we introduced our UOI 4, Our theme is How the world works. Our Central Idea is Movement causes change and We have 3 LOI’s
LOI 1 Things that move, LOI 2 How things move, and LOI 3 Results of movement. This will be the last UOI and we will be learning more of the unit this 3 mos. from January to March.
LOI 1 動くもの、LOI 2 どのように動くか、LOI 3 動きの結果。これが最後のUOIとなり、1月から3月までの3ヶ月間、私たちはこのユニットでたくさんのことを学ぶことになります。
To introduce this theme we looked at different toys that can move. A toy car, a battery operated cat, a talking panda, a ball that bounces, a spinner, gears and more. The kids were all excited to see the toys as I demonstrated how to make them move. We are off to a good start as the kids were able to answer my questions with the right key word which is ‘move or movement’. They were able to identify things that can move and can’t and they got some idea of how to make things move as they played with the toys.

We’ve already placed all the alphabets on the wall from A-Z together with our favorite example picture. We practice writing the last Letter this week. Next, We will be reviewing the alphabets again, we will be practicing how to write them, learn the phonetical sound again and learn more words that begin with such letters. Our goal is for the kids to memorize the alphabets buy heart in preparation for the next level which will be reading when they move up to Shooting Star.
AからZまでのアルファベットをすでに学び、お気に入りのお手本の絵と一緒に壁に貼っています。今週は最後のアルファベットを書く練習をしました。次に、アルファベットの書き方を練習し、音韻を学び、その文字で始まる単語を学びます。私たちのゴールは、オーロラさんたちがアルファベットを暗記し、次のレベルであるShooting Starへのステップアップに備えることです。

We have new songs this week.
This is our new morning song and goodbye song. Kindly watch, listen and have fun with the kids.
This is a link of a fun ninja dance video for the kids.
Thank you for reading the blog. Have a great weekend.