
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Aurora – Noses are red, fingers are blue, we like winter! How about you?  (February 3rd-7th) 

Hello Everyone! 

It was nothing but busy days, and the kids had an interesting week.

This week on a Monday we celebrated Setsubun Day. On setsubun day the kids were told that same day that a demon was coming to school and will visit each class. First, it was rainbow then it was our class next, armed with some paper balls to throw at the demon, we were all ready to fight the demon, we all ‘Shouted Go Away Demon’ to drive it away and We Did It! Yea! Some kids were a bit scared, most of them showed no fear, but they all had fun, thankfully nobody cried. After all the ruckus the kids settled down, we watched a short video about Setsubun Day, what it’s about, how it’s being celebrated and why. We made a simple craft, and other activities related to days event. 



月曜日は節分でした。節分の日、みんなは鬼がスクールにやってきて、各クラスを訪問すると聞きました。鬼に投げる紙玉で武装した私たちは、鬼と戦う準備を整え、鬼を追い払うためにみんなで「Go Away Demon」とびました!やった!少し怖がっている子もいましたが、ほとんどの子は怖がる様子もなく、みんな楽しんでいました。その後、オーロラさんたちは落ち着き、節分の日についての短いビデオを見て、節分とは何か、どのように祝われるのか、なぜ節分なのかを学びました。簡単な工作をしたり、節分の日にちなんだ活動もしました。

On the same day, the Milky Way class had their cultural event, we were so glad to be part of it. There we saw how people from around the world dressed up, we saw what food they ate and we heard greetings in different languages. We learned some interesting things on the cultural event.



It’s never a dull moment on Pool days. Kids love swimming day. They are not afraid of the water and they are getting more skillful, our swimming coach checked the kids individually and the coach was able to correct and give attention to things that needed to be improved. Over all everyone was capable, they tried and did their best at pool day.



At our dance class kids were able to do some physical activities they crawled, ran, jumped, hopped, and moved to the beat. They also learned a new dance routine. In dance class, the coordination of bodies movement to the music is vital to develop strong, healthy and stable bodies.



In music class, just like in dance lessons it’s very important for kids to listen and distinguish the sounds so they can do the necessary movement that matches the music. The teacher would play different tempos or beats it could be fast or slow, then the kids after hearing it would be able to tell by listening and do the moves, they either stop, move using a hoop, clap, skip, jump or hop etc. depending on the sound. It’s a cool way of training not only their ears but their bodies too.



For UOI 4, We reviewed what we’ve learned so far from LOI 1 and LOI 2. We are now getting more familiar with how things move and how things move in different ways. We did the what’s in the box game where in we guess what toy or thing is in the box, then we try to find out how it moves. We watched a video about how things move in different ways and did the video quiz too.

UOI 4 では、LOI 1 と LOI 2 で学んだことを復習しました。 物がどのように動くか、また物によってどのように動くかについて、より詳しくなってきました。箱の中に入っているおもちゃや物を当てて、それがどのように動くかを当てるゲームをしました。物がどのように動くかについてのビデオを見て、ビデオクイズもやりました。


For phonics this week, we learned more of the Letters G,H,I 

Here are the videos of the following letters.


It has been snowing. Kids got busy playing in the snow. Everyone had a super duper outside playtime.


Thank you for reading our blog this week. Have a cozy warm weekend.

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora – Noses are red, fingers are blue, we like winter! How about you? (February 3rd-7th)