Hello Everyone!
Check out what fun we had this week, whether it’s indoors or outdoors, the kids got busy and were feeling COOL this October.
Here we challenged the kids with this halloween cutting practice craft. The Ghost was a bit tricky to cut but we were not scared to try it anyway and we did it.

Kids identifying and coloring different feelings and facial expressions.

This was during Outside Play. These days we are enjoying the cool autumn breeze and the outdoors. They had a blast running around, going up and down the slide. During play kids imagination are very active, wild and funny.

The kids here are feeling silly and funny inside the bus. It’s never a dull moment. Here they are showing different emotions and feelings through their faces.They are all so adorable.

Every other week we have pool day. In our class everyone loves the water. They all get excited when its swimming day. They challenged themselves to put their heads underwater and try holding their breath underwater. They also tried to float with the teachers help.Kids favorite part is water slide.

During music lessons, kids practiced using the castanets, we all tried to be in sync. It’s really tempting just to do freestyle and do their own thing with the castanets, but our music teacher guides us to hold back, we should all follow the beat and do it at the same time. It was a real challenge for this active kids to follow and listen.

We love to move and dance. Kids get good exercise when we hit the dance floor. It’s a great way to burn lots of energy. Their bodies are getting more stronger whenever they move. They have more balance, control and flexible doing the same routine every week.

Happy Happy Birthday to our friend born on the month of October. We wish you many more Happy Birthdays to come.You are so special! Hope you have an amazing celebration with family.

Thank you for reading our blog this week. Have an amazing weekend.