
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Aurora – Why can't I be messy? (28 February – March 04)

Hello everyone!

We are entering the last month as Aurora students, and everyone is working hard on reviewing everything we have learned over this past year. We also finished our final LOI this week, and have just a final lesson next week to finish our very last UOI for this school year too!

UOI lessons

Transdisciplinary theme: How we organize ourselves
Central idea: People have roles and responsibilities to organize the school community.
Line of inquiry: Importance of keeping our school neat and tidy

Why can’t I be messy?

Last week, we talked about why we want to keep our bodies clean. We don’t want those nasty germs to enter our bodies, so we need to take measures to keep them away.

This week, we switched to the topic to why we should keep our room neat and tidy. At the begging of the lesson, I asked the students: “Why can’t I be messy?”. The students came up with a couple of answers: “Because bugs will come out” and “

Then, we took a look at three different scenarios, and what could happen. What could happen if:

  • We don’t clean up are toys?
  • Leave our clothes all over the floor?
  • Don’t put back our books after reading?
  • もし、私たちがおもちゃを片付けないと?
  • もし、服を床に置いたままにしたら?
  • もし、読んだ後の本を元に戻ないと?

Before discussing something, we always let the children think by themselves. We always encourage the students to say whatever they are thinking. There are no wrong answers! Our students have come a long way since our discussions at the beginning of the year! It’s all thanks to our students’ hard work at school, and all your support at home!

I can’t find it.

In our next lesson, we wanted to get a more hands on experience of the consequences of not being organized. After reviewing the last lesson, the teacher brought out a big box full of clothes! The clothes inside the box were all the teachers winter clothes. But it was very messy, and not organized at all! The teacher told the kids that before they went outside to play, we needed to find his jacket, warm winter pants, gloves and hat.

The kids got paired up for the challenge. Each pair got 20 seconds to find all the clothes. Because If the box had been organized, it would only take a short time to find everything. Some of the pairs were able to find almost everything, but no one was able to fid the teachers hat in all the mess. Oh no! We can’t go play outside if we can’t find everything! At the end, it was the teachers turn. He was not able to do it either!
子どもたちは、2人ペアになり挑戦していきます。それぞれのペアは、服を見つけるために20秒かかりました。 なぜなら箱のなかの洋服が整理されておらず、探すのにとても時間がかかったのです。 そして、どのペアもニット帽を探すことができませんでした。…

Finally, we decided to organize everything in the box. The teacher took out all the clothes, folded them, and put them neatly back in the box. We also found the hat that no one had been able to find! The teacher tried the challenge of finding all the clothes within 20 seconds one more time. This time, it only took him 5 seconds!

We had another discussion at the end of the lesson. It was very nice to see that the students could understand that being disorganized leads to things being more difficult and taking longer time.

We know how to and why we clean up

For our last lesson, we had a clean-up activity. The were split in to seven different pairs. The teacher made seven different types of messes around the classroom. Each pair of kids were only tasked with cleaning up one of the messes, so they had to decide together what they wanted to clean up.

As they cleaned up, the teacher asked them why they wanted to clean this up, and what they think could happen if they left it messy. It was nice to see how much the kids have learned during their last unit as Aurora students. They also showed how well they are able to work together and were able to use their English to communicate with their friends.
子どもたちが片付け終わったときに、先生はなぜこれを片付けたいのか、また、その場所を散らかしたままにしておくと何が起こるのかを尋ねました。オーロラの子どもたちが最後の単元で、どれだけ学んだのかを知ることはとても嬉しかったです。また、それぞれ皆、お友達と協同して取り組むことができ、彼らの英語を使ってペアのお友達とコミュニケーションをとっていました❕Good job!Aurora🤩

Doll festival craft

In honor of the doll festival this week, we made our own dols! We started the crafts by making their clothes. To make the clothes we used some paper and colored water. The kids folded the paper in to a small square, and then dipped the paper in to a color of their choice. Then, we wrapped a piece of origami paper around a small bottle to make the body.

Each student drew the faces of their dolls on and glued it on the doll. It was nice to see so many different faces. Their fine motor skills have improved so much since the begging of the year! We are ready for shooting star now!
そして、ひな人形のお内裏様とお雛様の顔を描き、貼り付けていきます。最後に笏や扇を貼り付けました。細かいパーツが多かったですが、子ども立ちの細かい運動スキルがとても発達していました☺❕❕Shooing Starへの準備はOKですね🤩

February’s monthly song (Something Just Like This)

Our February’s song was “Something Just Like This”. Please enjoy this video of all our talented Aurora students singing the song for you!
2月の歌は、「Something just like this」です🤩それでは、子どもたちが歌う様子をご覧ください。

Thank you so much for reading, and see you again next week.


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