
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano G1 & Milky Way Healthy Guide to Life 11th – 15th July

This week we have been working on making healthy choices to have a more healthy and happy productive life! We learned about many activities and practices we can use to make sure we stay fit and strong.


We did a lot of swimming activities this week. I have to be honest I was surprised and impressed how comfortable the kids were in the water. Especially under the water!

スイミングのアクティビティーをしました❣どのお友達も水にとても慣れていていて、先生たちを驚かせました❤ 特に潜るのがとても上手でしたね😉

We made some awesome universe pictures for our language art class in which later we will add our names in the stars! We used a technique using sponges and then flicked on the stars using our finger and paint brush. How beautiful and mesmerizing these galaxies are!

language artのクラスでは、宇宙を描きました🚀 スポンジや指と筆を使って表現し素晴らしい銀河です。この後に、自分の名前をステンシルして完成さました🤩

We continued our show an tell sessions in our morning circle. I can really see the kids confidence growing as the become more comfortable to share things about themselves. It really helps the kids connect with each other and helps develop strong bonds.

朝のサークルタイムでShow and Tellの時間を設けています。自分の事を語る事に自信を持つようになって来た様に感じます✨このアクティビティーを通じて子供たちがお互いの共通点を発見し、そして強い絆を育む事を手助けしています☘

What a great week we have had. I wonder… what healthy choices to the kids make at home?


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano G1 & Milky Way Healthy Guide to Life 11th – 15th July