There are many ways to communicate creatively. This week, we each wrote a letter to the person we love. We wrote how much and why we love them and thanked them for loving us back. After that, we made our personalized envelope that showed what we love. We expressed ourselves by writing a letter and decorating our envelope using different materials. Now we understand what being creative means and how we can express ourselves through craft.

After writing our letter, we dropped the ones for our friends in our class postbox to be delivered by the teacher’s assistants the next day. Some letters that were addressed to our Moms and Dads didn’t have to be in the postbox because we were giving them ourselves.

We also went swimming this week. We swam with a swimming board many times then put the boards away and swam with the help of our instructors.

We have been practicing our piece for the Christmas Show. It’s from the movie Sing 2 titled “A Sky Full of Stars”. We practiced using sticks and melodeon respectively.