
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Milky Way: Our Inquiry through Play (Feb. 25th-28th)

As a continuation of our inquiry last week, we invited one of our parents, Mr. Sato, a former basketball player, to answer our questions about technology in basketball such as the technology behind basketball shoes, balls, and protective gear, and how it helps basketball players be better at their sports.

We learned that the shoemakers design basketball shoes according to players’ feedback and needs. Players can choose the insoles of their shoes according to their preferences whether soft or hard, or their feet’s condition. About the ball evolution, we found out that basketballs have 12 lines now which helps them for better grip of the ball and easier shooting.

After our interview with Mr. Sato, he taught us how to play basketball by dribbling and passing the ball. We played outside and had fun playing a new sport. While some of us were playing

Thank you, Mr. Sato!

Dance Lesson

We have been enjoying and working hard to remember our dance steps. We are almost done and just doing some polishing and additional details to the dance routine.

Happy Weekend!

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