
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Rainbow April 26 – May 9

Hello everyone!


It’s great to be back here at the international school of Nagano (ISN)!
I had a great time during the break, but I missed our very special nursery class.
Hope you also had a wonderful golden week!



Before golden week we joined our 2-year old and 3-year old students into one class.
The last day before the break everyone had a lot of fun dancing and singing together.
Everyone did a great job following each songs dance!


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This month we welcomed a new student to our class.
Welcome to ISN Nagano campus! We are very excited to get to know you more!




The weather in Nagano-city has been sunny this week, so we used this great chance to play outside.
Everyone had fun playing in the sandpit, kicking the ball, using the slides and chasing bubbles!



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Everyone did a great job during gym class! We stretched our bodies and everyone loved the gym mat.

みんな大好き、Gym class(体操の時間)もありました。全身を使ってストレッチしたり、大きなマットの上でみんなでジャーンプ!したり、先生の真似をしてマットの上を歩いてみたり・・。先生のお話もきちんと聞くことができました。

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This week’s music class was full of fun!
The student got to say their names into the teacher’s special microphone.
We also walked in rhythm to the music teacher’s piano songs.
The children sat down inside a hula hoop and pretended to wash their bodies like in a bathtub.
Good job Rainbow class!

2回目のMusic class(リトミック)もありました。




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We are lucky here at ISN that we get to eat very delicious lunch every day.
At lunch we practice our English conversation skills by saying “Lunch please!” before eating.
“It’s mine” when handing out towels and aprons.
“It’s yummy!” when eating our delicious lunch.

ここでも毎日「Lunch, please.」のような、日常で使う英語の表現を毎日練習している未満児クラスのレインボーさんたち。
先生が、子どもたちのエプロンやお手拭きタオルを手に「Who’s apron(towel) is this?(これは誰のエプロン/タオルかな?)」と聞くと、一人ひとり「It’s mine.(私のだよ)」と答えたり、「It’s yummy!(おいしい!)」というフレーズも、最近では子どもたちの口から自然と出てくるようになってきました。
いただきます!のご挨拶の前の「♪Open shut them, open shut them…♫」の手遊びを、お家でもやってます!との嬉しいお声も、保護者様よりお聞きしています。これぞ、ISNで楽しみながらもしっかりと英語の表現が身に付いてきている証ですね。

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Thank you for a great week and see you next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow April 26 – May 9