Hello everyone!
Outside play
We felt safe and relieved from that tragic incident when we heard in the news that the police catched the perpetrator. The policemen did an excellent job! Even though it was OK to go outside and play, we stayed inside the playground and had fun. The kids were thrilled when we talked about it, knowing our routine for today, Monday. We helped and comforted our friend, fell, and cried. We enjoyed running around and watching the excavator working near the campus. We found a little bird walking in the playground, and when we got closer, it flew away to the parking lot.

Because of the recent incident, we were glad we could play in the park without fear of being attacked by a bad person. It was a beautiful day with happy moments for us, Rainbow. We chased each other, made a campfire, swung, and more.

For this week`s gym lesson, we were all happy when we saw Mr. Koudai after two weeks. We started our lesson by warming up, making our bodies small and big, waving our hands as high as possible, and turning around and running around as fast as we could. Next was the obstacle we always do, and the teacher placed a styrofoam bar at the end of the stepping stone for the kids to jump and touch. And the last one before we ended our lesson was our favorite play, the Chasing Tail Game. It was a fun and competitive game!

For this week`s music lesson, the teacher showed us a book with different shops: toys, snacks, vegetables, and flowers. We walked around with piano music, and when the music stopped, we clapped our little hands while saying the shop. We also did the “ tong, pa, “ spreading our arms wide and saying “pa,” clapping our hands, and saying “tong.”
今週のミュージックレッスンでは、先生がおもちゃ、お菓子、野菜、花など、いろいろなお店が載っている本を見せてくれました。ピアノの音に合わせて歩き回り、音楽が止まったら、そのお店の名前を言いながら小さな手を叩きました。また、両手を大きく広げて 「パ 」と言い、手を叩いて 「トン 」と言う、「トン、パ 」もやりました。

Making an oni (demon) craft is a fun and easy way to celebrate Setsubun, especially for kids. We made an oni bag using a paper cup. This simple and fun craft is perfect for celebrating Setsubun while learning about its cultural significance. You can use it as a decoration or even play a game by pretending to throw beans at the oni!

We traced the letter “C” and also did the zigzag tracing lines. It was tricky; some of us had difficulty, and others found it easy. This activity also encourages them to hold the pencil correctly and trace the lines.
子どもたちは 「C 」の文字をなぞり、ジグザグになぞる線も引きました。それを難しいと感じる子もいれば、快適だと感じるます。このアクティビティは、鉛筆を正しく持ち、線をなぞることを促すものでもあります。

Here is the link of the song that we sang this week, enjoy singing with your little one.
Thank you for your time. See you again next week!
Have a safe and wonderful weekend!