
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Rainbow ~ Gotta Catch That Tail! (February 25th-28th)

Hello everyone! It’s the end of February. The end of this school year is coming so soon. As we prepare for our dear Rainbow for the next level, our bodies and minds are perfectly ready for another milestone in our lives.


Music Lesson

We did new and fun activities; the teacher showed us a picture of balloons, a bear, and a girl daydreaming in the window. She showed us what happens to the balloon if we inflate and what happens if we remove the air. Along with the music, we inflated our bodies like balloons and shrank them until we were lying on the floor. It was super fun to do! Our giggles echoed throughout the classroom. We finished our lesson by singing the Ten Little Indian Boy song.


Gym lesson

For this week’s gym lesson, we started warming up by imitating a bear’s movement. We slowly bent and walked like a bear. We also tried to race like a bear. We bent down, touched the ground with our bare hands, lifted our hips, and ran like a bear. We were competitive with each other when we did this. Next were obstacles, which were fun and tricky to balance our bodies. We ended the lesson by doing the “Chasing the Tail Game,” the most requested activity.



We went and played in the park. We did hide and seek, searching for insects all around the park. We also played the Turnips, we found a huge rock buried half in the middle of the park, we pretended it is the Turnips and we tried to pull it out and asked another friend to help pulling out by saying “Pull! Pull! Pull!” We ran around and chased each other. We were delighted that we could walk nicely holding hands with a pair of friends and were able to follow our agreement perfectly. Great job, Rainbow!!

私たちは公園に行って遊びました。かくれんぼをしたり、公園中の虫を探したりしました。公園の真ん中に大きな岩が半分埋まっているのを見つけて、それをカブに見立てて引っ張り出そうとしました!「引っ張れ!引っ張って!」 子どもたちは走り回り、追いかけっこをしました。お友だちと一緒に手をつないで上手に歩けたこと、約束が完璧に守れたことに私たちは皆大喜びでした。偉かったね、レインボー

Thank you for your time. See you again next week!

Have a safe and wonderful weekend!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow ~ Gotta Catch That Tail! (February 25th-28th)