
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Rainbow ~ Learning the race, one step at a time. Ready, set, go!(March 3rd-7th)

Hello everyone! It was gloomy this week; we had our activities inside the classroom. Despite the small space when doing the activities, we had so much fun. We have a few more weeks to go before this school year ends. It will be sad for us Rainbow`s because we need to say goodbye to our dear friend too.

Inside play

Because of the snowy day, we played indoors, crawling under the connected hoop like an alligator. Others did their version of movements, like fish and snakes. Then we stomped and passed through the connected hoop like an elephant—they liked it! It was a little bit difficult for our younger friends to pass through it, but we did it with the help of older friends and teachers! Lastly, we did so much jumping. We lined up six rings, and at the end of the ring, we placed a cone. We lined up nicely before starting the activity and waited for our turn. We took one ring, held it, jumped into the rings, put the ring we were carrying into the cone, and then returned to the end of the line. We did it repeatedly. 

Play in the snow

Last Tuesday, we played in the snow as requested. Their giggles when we started changing our clothes into snow gear were spectacular. They scooped the ice, laughed, and called other friends to help them lift the big ice. 

Gym lesson

Because of the gloomy day, we had our gym lesson inside the classroom. It was a bit tight for us to move freely, but we still played and enjoyed ourselves safely. We warmed up by bending down, walking like a bear, and rolling on the floor. Next, we passed through the connected beam bar, tried to balance our little bodies, jumped to the sponge tube, and then returned to the end of the line. 


Hinamatsuri, or the Doll Festival, is one of Japan’s most beloved cultural celebrations, occurring on March 3rd each year. We did a craft, making a Hina doll by putting color on it using our point fingers and sticking stickers around the doll. 

Music lesson

This week, we learned new things about comparing big and small and their meanings. She showed us a picture book of a father and daughter, watermelon and tangerine, elephant and fox. She asked us which was bigger and which was smaller. We were eager to shout out loud our answer. Our cute voices echoed all around the campus. Next week will be our last lesson for this school year.


We had a chance to go to the park, and we walked a long way towards there. There are still a few students whose bodies aren`t strong enough, so today, we decided to have fun, such as race and more. Together with the teacher, we raced from one side of the park to the other side end, repeatedly until the kids said I’m tired.

Birthday Party

Since Rainbow has no celebrant this month, we gave our heartfelt greetings to our dear celebrants. Happy Birthday to all the celebrant for month of March. We sang one of their favorite songs, ” Let It Go,” altogether.

Here is the song that we are singing this month. Enjoy singing it with your little one!

Thank you for your time. See you again next week!

Have a blessed weekend!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow ~ Learning the race, one step at a time. Ready, set, go!(March 3rd-7th)