
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Rainbow – Month of love ❤️ (6-10 February)

Hello everyone!

We had another fun week in Rainbow class!

Birthday party

We finally had the chance to celebrate the birthday of one of our January birthday girls. She answered some questions and received a special Anpanman themed birthday card. After singing the happy birthday song, we ended the party by throwing newspaper around.


We made some cute valentine crafts for next week’s special day. The kids designed their own hearts before sticking it to a bear shape. They also got to draw their own face on the bear. Before starting, we talked about what Valentine’s Day is and who they wanted to give their craft to.

Monthly song

This month we will be singing the song “Skidamarink”. I also asked the kid to please say “I love you” To all their loved ones at home. Were they able to do it, I wonder…

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow – Month of love ❤️ (6-10 February)