Hello everyone! We had lots of fun moments this week for Rainbow.
We went to the park and had fun with all the facilities, such as the jungle gym, swing, and more. The park was slightly wet, but we still had fun playing Jag. It’s a high-energy game that combines elements of tag and hide-and-seek but with its own unique twists that make it a favorite among kids. What sets Jag apart is its creativity. Kids often add their own rules to make the game more thrilling. We saw a poisonous mushroom in the tree. We were very curious and cautiously not to touch it.

Play in the snow
We enjoyed playing in the snow a lot. Playing in the snow at the playground is a delightful scene of pure joy and boundless energy. The playground, transformed by the snowfall, becomes a magical winter wonderland. We worked together to gather the snow in one place using a scoop, and others made some cone ice cream and let the teacher eat the ice cream they made. Since we didn’t have gym lessons this week, we played outside in the snow instead. It was super fun for us little ones, making what we imagined. Sometimes, we fought over the scoop and talked seriously about how to share the scoop with our friends and care for each other. Caring and knowing how we feel if we are rejected is essential.

We first discussed transportation by introducing traffic lights and their meaning. Then, we showed them flashcards with the names of different types of transportation and explained how they work. Since some love cars, their confused faces appeared, followed by excitement and giggles. We had so much fun learning all these things. It was a competition to see who raised their hand first and said the answer was incredible. Clever Rainbow! We also sang a Transportation song.

Here is a transportation song that we sang this week. Enjoy singing with your little ones!
Thank you for taking your time. See you again next week.
Have a blessed and safe weekend!