
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Shooting Star: Fun at the Park! (May 22nd-26th)

We went to Shinonoi Central Park on Monday for our Bus trip. We were so excited to go and on the way there we played “I Spy” using colors. When we got there, we looked around and saw the different park attractions we could enjoy playing with. There were trampoline, sandpit, slide, a big playground, spider pyramid, and the most fun was the inflatable jumping cloud-shape dome (fuwa fuwa dome) where we spent most of our time jumping and rolling on. We also played soccer and family group game.

After playing, we enjoyed our lunch under a tree.

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Shooting Star / Nagano Shooting Star: Fun at the Park! (May 22nd-26th)