Hello everyone!
It was great seeing everyone again after the winter break! I hope everyone had a happy new year!
We have started our final unit for this school year, “Our Community.” In our first lesson, we explored what a community is and the various types of communities we can find. We formed new class teams based on the UOI theme. Each team was tasked with discussing and agreeing on a name that reflects the theme of “Community Helpers.” The teams for this unit are as follows: Police Officer, Teacher, Doctor, and Pilot.
Each team created drawings of their respective community helper and presented them to the class.

We enjoyed our Christmas presents during workstation time. The kids had a blast with the classic strategy game “Connect Four,” where they had to line up four of their colored discs in a row, and the fun and challenging game of physical skill “Twister,” where they had to place their hands and feet on different colored circles without falling over.

Snow play
Everyone had been waiting to go outside in their snowwear and play in the snow, and this week, the time had finally come. The excitement was through the roof as we played in the snow outside.

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!